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Cobra Spotlight


Interview with Steven Saint Helens, Cobra Apprentice


Cobra Commander: Tell the readers why you joined Cobra.

Steven Saint Helens: I wanted to do something positive for my people - my country - my planet.

CC: But surely others think that Cobra is out to destroy the world? (Wink)

Steven: Not at all.  Cobra is my life now. Before I was treated like crap - I was told I didn't have what it takes to 'be a man' I didn’t want some boring office hob, I find Joes boring too.

CC: Couldn't agree more. If I hear Yo Joe once more I'll scream!

Steven: I know what ya mean.  Sad aren't they? I love and enjoy working on Cobra Magazine.  It's fun and creative. Soundwave, my pet snake loves to drape over my shoulders when I work.  He's so tame and I love him - and he loves me. He's white, black and grey, small.  He's part of the family.

CC: Sure is.  For the readers, what are your favourite foods?

Steven: I'm vegetarian.  Most things without red or white meat.

CC: Can't say I'm a vege, but try some of this guys dishes.  Mmm!

Steven: (Smiles) Thanks.  Although he still won't show me his face or tell me his real name, he's never hurt, yelled at or threatened me, despite the negative publicity he gets and Joe Propaganda. Hey!  I think this guy's sexy too! (Smile) and he didn't make me sat this.

CC: Shucks.  You're not so bad yourself young one.

Steven: Thanks (smile) It's great to be part of the team. Tanya's great too.  I can feel now you'll see eye to eye with us.  The Joes go berserk trying to stop us.  They don't care about us and all the hard work we put in trying to organise the world.  They think they're the good guys, but they're all talk and shoot 'em up.  They're only brave with their big guns.

CC:  You know what they say about men with big guns.

Steven:  Yeah.  They're nothing but testosterone driven maniacs - even the woman.  I was cornered by Sergeant Slaughter once, poked his massive gun in my face.  The damned bugger near killed me.  I was only 17 (I'm 20 now) He scared the crap out of me, told me that I was wrong and a fool to be messed up with Cobra - when Cobra saved my life, my future. Thanks to Cobra I have a future.  The Gi-Jerk called me a wimp and a no good worm.  Now I ask you - is that the degrading stuff good guys are name of?  I think not.  Goodies who don't care about the lives of others? If you prick us do we not bleed? We think, therefore we are.  True heroes are measured by the side of their hearts not the size of their (censored). Give Cobra a chance and we'll show you we are not the enemy.

CC: You can see why I hired this guy.

Steven: . Loyal to the death I am.

CC: Let's hope it doesn't come to that.  We'd hate to lose you.

Steven: I'd hate to lose me too, CC! You see people, Cobra people are just like you - and don't let that Yo yo Jo Yoes tell you otherwise.  Coooooooobra!

CC: (Shivers) Ohh he does that so well.  COOOOOOOBRAAAAAA!




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