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Bald Man Takes Control Of Atari
A bald man with glasses became the new owner of Atari according to this made-up internet rumour.

Bruno Bonnell, CEO of french games company Infogrames, was revealed as the criminal mastermind who acquired the Atari label from clueless toy makers, Hasbro.

Bonnell is known to be a modest and generous man, even allowing his name to appear in big letters on the title screens of games he had nothing to do with.

We visit the Infogrames dictator's palace to find out about his atari related plans.

"We are going to restart the atari hardware division." bellows Bonnell, snorting coke from his marble topped desk. "They should produce gadgets that people can relate to. Stuff that would sell. Things that can make money"

Now this could be interesting. The man behind such innovative titles as "Tazmanian Devil Munching Madness" and "Bugs Bunny & Taz - Time Busters" lending his creative genius to creating atari machines. What would Mr Bonnell be getting those hardware engineers to produce?

"I have a number of ideas." announces Bonnell, "A hat that actually makes your hair grow would be good. Also an invisible cup - how cool would that be? I have some early designs for a Kylie Minogue tractor beam. And a wanking machine. That would be great."

Infogrames' Bruno Bonnell : Wanker

Falcon Version of NewOS Revealed
As reported by nerd hangout,, some freaks are working on a new operating system to smash the triopoly of microsoft, apple and digital research.

Travis Geiselbrecht, the man who invented the cunningly titled NewOS, declared "NewOS will change how we think about operating systems and how we think about ourselves. We have the future at our fingertips."

The Cafe Fuji team chatted to regulars about this exciting new development, and the most common response was "Why is he bothering?"

But look at these features:

  • Multithreaded
  • Multiprocessor
  • Fully reentrant
  • Protected memory
  • Separate user and kernel space
  • Text-based console
  • Full locking primitives
  • Object-oriented filesystem layer
  • Kernel debugging support with installable debugger commands

NewOS has been ported to the Sega Dreamcast, and teenagers are already throwing away their copies of Crazy Taxi so they can get down to some serious kernel debugging.

Travis dropped by the Cafe yesterday with a demo version of the Falcon port of NewOS. "It's like nothing you have ever seen before." he boasted "It will totally blow you away"

NewOS on the Falcon

Sega And Atari Join Forces
Sega rocked the videogame industry earlier this year by announcing the cancellation of the DreamCast and the fact that they were developing games for rival consoles.

So far titles have been revealed for GameCube, PS2 & X-Box, and at a grand unveiling at the E3 games show in LA, Sega unveiled the Atari ST as the fourth next gen platform that they will be porting games to.

Vistors to Error In Line got a sneak preview of an ST Port of 'Chu Chu Rocket' by Reservoir Gods. A press release from Sega Japan today reveals the identity of second development team to bring the world of Sega to the people of Atari.

A new atari crew, Defect, have snatched the prestigous licence. Based in the UK and headed by legendary atari coder, Carbon, they have the seemingly impossible task of squeezing 128 bit games into an 8 bit format.

"It may look difficult" admits Carbon "but fortunately I am a genius. I've even learned ST Basic."

There first title will be a port of futurstic dancing game Space Channel 5

"I'm handling all the development myself, the coding, the music and the graphics" boasts Carbon, "I'm even doing the motion capture"

Space Channel 5 (Atari ST)

Paradis City
In celebration of the 'Odd Stuff' hidden screen, Café Fuji have hired Vanessa Paradis to provide light yet sultry musical entertainment to our diners. She will be performing a medley of her greatest hit on the Jazz Stage (between the fruit machines and gents toilets) and signing copies of the Sector One demo.

Dish O' The Day

EXCLUSIVE "Odd Stuff" Hidden Screen Revealed
"Loose lips sink chips" - that was the motto of french demo crew, Sector One, who swore to take the secret of Odd Stuff's hidden screen to the grave with them.

Unfortunately for them, British Boffin Grazey decoded the demo using simple household appliances. And he is ready to spill the beans - for a price.

We dipped our hands into the Café Fuji biscuit tin and crossed the G-Man's palm with silver* in order to bring you THE TRUTH.

"Listen to me. I will say this only once. You nonce." instructed Grazey
"To get to the hidden part of odd stuff, you must:"

For those who have difficulty following simple instructions, the hidden section is an old-skool sample demo. It features a digitised picture of DMA SC, volume bars and a scroller. The sector one musician has cut up a 3 channel mix of the current french number one by Vanessa Paradis.

The Brain-Blasting Hidden Screen

*actually foil from Kit Kat wrappers - but don't tell him that

Angriness At Night
Controversial computer "expert" and hermit, Angry Man, has turned his attention to the world of Atari Demos.

"The standard of released demos is appalling" he blasts "Does no-one test anything?"

Angry Man takes his job seriously. "All my freetime is dedicated to finding small mistakes in demos. It makes me feel less inadequate about myself."

"I have a large collection of notebooks in which I meticulously note each minor graphical flaw from every atari production. Did you know that if you run 'Autowaschen Verboten' on TOS 4.03 on a leap year then there is a one pixel glitch on the 12th screen?"

"Do you want to share my weak lemon drink?
Will you be my friend? Please?"

Angry Man is 94.

Showering Girls
Some visitors to EIL2 complained about the lack of female company in the showers. They obviously weren't invited to Escape's Secret Jacuzzi & Shower Sanctuary, in SubLevel 8 of the building. Here the creme of the atari scene bathed with some of the best looking women in dresden - some of whom had even trimmed their moustaches. Armed only with a digital camera, members of the Café Fuji staff took their own pictorial momentos.

Say hello to EIL2 shower star "Mermaid" from Austrian Falcon Demo & BathSex crew, "Squelch".

Dish O' The Day

It's only 2 years until the next party. We're stocking up on shower gel.

Café Fuji LeftOvers
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