This page is intended to put all of the best resources for AP Test Study in one place, it will start off a little random, but hopefully it helps.

AP Gov Resources from 2014:

Unit I Review: PPT or Text

Unit II Review: PPT or Text

Unit III Review: PPT or Text

Unit IV Review: PPT or Text

Review Slips

AP Microeconomics Resources from 2014:

Unit I Review: PPT or Text

Unit II Review: PPT or Text

Unit III Review: PPT or Text

Unit IV Review: PPT or Text

The AP Micro Test Page at the College Board (Helpful because it has lots of practice FRQs)

AP Gov Resources from 2013

Unit I: PPT or Text

Unit II: PPT or Text

Unit III: PPT or Text

Unit III from 2011: PPT or Text

Federalism Quiz

First Amendment Quiz

List of Terms on Review Slips (or click here for the Word doc)

Your Textbook site - which has lots of good review quizzes and flashcards for each chapter

Remember that the Constitutional Study Guides you made first semester can be a big help when looking at the Constitution and civil rights issues.

The Exam Information page, at the College Board website, which includes updated info on the test and all of the FRQs and scoring guides from the last 14 years.

How the test is scored:

You earn one point for each MC question answered correctly

You earn ~2.35 points for each point you earn on an FRQ

Add these together, and use this chart

93-120 = 5

82-92 = 4

66-81 = 3