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People with Asperger's disorder may show some symptoms of autism such as difficulties in social interactions, poor eye contact, repetitive body movements, and an insistence on routines and rituals. However, they have normal language development and do not have mental retardation. Rett's disorder involves repetitive hand movements, social withdrawal, and impaired language development.Autism, disorder that severely impairs development of a person's ability to communicate, interact with other people, and maintain normal contact with the outside world. The disorder was first described in 1943 by American psychiatrist Leo Kanner. One of the most common developmental disabilities, autism affects 2 to 5 out of every 10,000 children and appears before the age of three. It is four to five times more common in males than in females.Autism is often referred to as a spectrum disorder-that is, a disorder in which symptoms can occur in any combination and with varying degrees of severity. Symptoms of autism usually begin during infancy. Autistic infants may stiffen or go limp when picked up by parents rather than clinging or cuddling up to them. Autistic infants often show little or no interest in other people and lack typical social behaviors. For example, they may not smile at their mother's voice or make eye contact with caregivers. Autistic children fail to develop normal relationships with their parents, brothers or sisters, and other children. Often they seem unaware of the needs and feelings of other people, and may not respond if another person is hurt or in distress. They also fail to make friends. Children with autism usually play alone.

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