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「我真的很幸運」          >> English 





Jai Shri Mataji !

Shirley Lai


華人剖白 (7)







                             廖展邦 Bruce


>> English Translation ( Shirley , Bruce )

華人剖白 (8)


有位朋友對我說:「母親」是一 位很好的母親 令到他得到自覺及一切 好的能量。她是個印度人,她可以醫治各種奇難雜症。 從前我曾經看過有關她的小冊子, 但對她有種莫明的抗拒,這一次卻產生了好奇心,想了解一下是否真確, 因我感覺自己身體有問題, 但不是很嚴重。 當到達中環大會堂內某個房間, 看見有母親的照片, 還沒有甚麼特別。 正當主持人將在坐每一個人的自覺能量提升之後, 我內心突然泛起一幕一幕不開心的情景, 以及我的身體內的痛症也出現了, 令我忍受不了。當時內心問自己:為甚麼會這樣子? 我合起雙眼,感覺到母親就在附近, 我以為是我的幻覺,並沒有理會。 當天晚上總是睡得不好, 自那以後我的痛症不停地折磨我, 痛也痛不完。 我不停地尋求醫生醫治我的痛症, 開始時找牙醫, 他說不是關於牙痛; 他說可能是耳鼻喉引起的; 我祇好去看專科, 但也不是, 就連感冒也不是。 不知從那裡入手, 仍然找不出原因。 各醫生推卸責任, 使我氣極了。 我再到中環大會堂,看見有位負責人,就問她我的痛症問題。 她說需要我到「中心」,好幫助我清除不潔能量, 是可以幫到我的。 我祇好聽她指引。到了那裡, 她很樂意幫助我, 但我的痛症仍沒解決, 祇是減少了少許。 可是,不知怎麼說,我對「中心」產生一種莫明的溫暖, 開始時那兒有開放的特定時間,我會抽時間出席, 從不決席, 我在「中心」不但可幫助其他人,也可幫助了自己。 大家互相幫助,好像有種親切感。 後來對著母親的照片不再恐懼感, 反而覺得母親很漂亮, 仁慈。 母親帶著她的愛在我們每一個子女身上,關懷我們,完全沒有偏心; 充滿了一個做母親的特徵, 愛我們, 照顧我們, 包容我們; 無窮無盡的給予我們, 令我在靈性上得到充實; 越來越感覺到母親的愛存在, 很滿足, 也感受到有種安寧和喜悅, 可以回復自己的平衡。 後來我也知道自己的痛症問題的根源, 開始自己改善自己的身體, 不知不覺地感覺好起來, 我感覺身邊有個天使提點我: 怎樣走我的路, 做我應該做的。 我也開始感覺到母親需要我們互相照顧,大家團結,那是一種給母親的回報 ── 用她對我們的愛, 來愛我們的兄弟姐妹, 互相交流, 用愛心把喜悅散發開去, 令到每一個來到「中心」的人也感受到有溫暖的喜悅, 好像回到真正的大家庭。




English Translation (testimonial 6)

“ I am really lucky!”

Although Sahaja Yoga was founded in Hong Kong more than a decade ago, I have never had the fortune to learn about it. It all started because of an unexpected opportunity that I met a lady in a tourist group, we caught up to dine and share our photos. She mentioned about herself practicing yoga, I thought she was talking about the sport that you twist your arms and legs, and that made me very interested. However, when I got there, I realized that was only meditation. I sat there quietly for the whole time, feeling nothing about what they said; and I also felt that it was a bit weird to meditate in front of the photo of an Indian lady. However, at the same time, I did want to find out what’s going on and what on earth these people were doing. I also had the feeling that if it really turned out to be so amazing like how they described it, I would have been coming out of the Treasure Island in empty hands, so I decided to stay.

I didn't feel anything special in the first two months; it was, in fact, quite boring. But I started to feel something subtle and wonderful from the third month. I felt something had opened up my mind. There was great improvement in my learning ability and my social skill; many troubles were tackled smoothly and successfully. What made me obsessed was that I felt like a student, learning new stuff everyday. It was like an invisible teacher, who was teaching me behind my mind. It sounds too wonderful, but the feeling was so real! This invisible teacher made me cheerful all the time; everything was looked after, including my families. I fell the company of God and I am dancing with God. Many times in my daily life, small things like looking for misplaced things, I could find them instantly. That made me feel His company right next to me. Most importantly is that He made me understand many things, to follow the right and righteous path, and to give me lots of advice. Sahaja Yogis always talked about “being your own Guru”, I think that is just similar to this.

I am tremendously grateful to lady Shri Mataji, who opened my Sahasrara Chakra, allowing the energy flow reaching every part of my body, to enrich every single functioning organ of mine. I felt more energetic and I was even glowing. Problems were always solved naturally. I used to believe in Buddhism, but I have never had any feeling like this. All I did was praying in front of Buddha for guidance and blessing. Sahaja Yoga, however, is God holding my hands, in such close distance, teaching me and guiding me. I am extremely lucky to grow under the love and protection of Mother Shri Mataji. I must have done so many good things in my other lives to be so fortunate to enjoy this. I believe this would be the most precious present I have ever got in my whole life!

Jai Shri Mataji!

Shirley Lai


English Translation (testimonial 7)

“What I experienced in Sahaja Yoga”

It has only been two months that I started practicing Sahaja Yoga, but what I experienced was unforgettable and amazing!

Since I got my realization, I could surely feel the cool breezes of life over my top. All the burdens were gone, and I could feel the fabulous inner peace and joy.

Since then I went to the collective meditation class every week. Once I went home after the class, just when I arrived the block I live, tears started to flow down my cheeks. I cannot tell the reason why I was so touched, just like I’ve found my mother who has been lost for years. I felt like that I was embraced by my mother, and I couldn’t stop weeping. In my tears, however, I felt some kind of incredible comfort. Could you imagine how touched and joyful you would be if you’ve found your mother who has been lost for years? It is beyond my language to describe it.

After a while, my heavy load of schoolwork had driven me crazy, although I still practice at home, I couldn’t get such strong feelings any more. I could neither feel any cool breeze over me, and I started to doubt how real were all those experiences. Was it all in my imagination, or if it’s only some changes occurred in my value judgement? Or, may be I was well and truly connected with the incredible and amazing love of the heavenly divine? The more I doubt about it, the harder I became thoughtless in meditation. And then I thought of the reality of the strong feelings I had on the day, how could that be only imagination? I decided to share my doubts with the other Sahaja yogis, they shared a lot of experiences with me and gave me more hints and techniques to meditate. I practiced again at home, now I could feel the cool breezes of life on top of me again. My faith towards Sahaja Yoga only increased after this experience. Whatever joy, peace and other unbelievable and unexplainable experience that Sahaja Yoga has given me, I cannot mention them all in here. You have to experience it yourself to be able to understand.

I have my whole heart to wish all of you, those who haven't got your Self-Realization, could enjoy this natural and precious heavenly present as soon as possible. Only if you could accept it with your pure and non-biased sense, you then could absolutely experience this miracle and reality.

Bruce Liu





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acknodgements: courtesy English translation above by Faraday Pang of Sydney