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"I'll be there until the stars don't shine/ 'Til the heavens burst/ 'Til the words don't ryhme" - Always - Bon Jovi.

'Til the Heavens Burst is kinda mushy I guess. But there's nothing wrong with that, huh? It's not a teenybopper story, though. You know, the blond-haired blue-eyed heroine's third cousin, twiced removed died and she has to go to his funeral in Tulsa and he just so happened to have lived next to the Hanson's and gives his house to her and her in his will and Taylor become best friends, fall in love and get married. *whew* What a mouthful! LoL. It's set in 2006. Haley is almost 23. The story begins in late July.

I got the title from a Bon Jovi (gotta love 'em) song called "Always". I'll type the lyrics up later. It's a really beautiful song, and you need to hear it. That song holds a special meaning for me.

I based some of the things that Haley and Katie do together on some of the things me and my aunt did together. Our relationship is much like theirs. Even though Katie is eleven, Haley doesn't treat her like a little kid. They're actually good friends.

Haley Webb(portrayed by Brooke Satchwell) Haley is the main character. She's being pressured into getting married and having kids from her mom, Teresa. She's 23 years old, and a third grade teacher.

Katie Webb (portrayed by Hilary Duff) Katie is 11 years old and is very close to her aunt, Haley.

Brad Webb (portrayed by Hunt Block) Brad is Katie's dad, Hal's brother.

Lisa Webb (portrayed by Erin Hershey) Brad's wife/ Katie's mom.

Teresa Webb's physical description is 5'3", dark brown hair usually pinned up, blue eyes.

Jim Webb (portrayed by Brad Maule) Jim is a laid back guy. Hal is a daddy's girl.

John Bates (portrayed by Rick Hearst) John is Teresa's choice for her daughter. He works at the bank with Teresa. Almost perfect. He's searching for "wife material" and thinks Haley is the one for him.

Isaac Hanson (portrayed by Isaac Hanson ;) )Hanson has been on an indefinate break because Isaac is still trying to get over the death of his wife. He's left with his 3 year old son that he absolutely adores. Isaac struggles with learning to fall in love again. (**I warned you, this could get *mushy*)

Mikey Hanson's physical description is brown hair cut in a "chilli bowl", brown eyes. He is three years old, and is Isaac's son. His mother, Michelle died during complications of the labor.

More pics coming soon! Have an idea for someone to portray one of my characters? Please send them to me!

on to chp. 1