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The Woman Who Started It All

Bulma, (AKA Buruma, Bloomer, or Bluma, (I'll call her Bulma here so there's no confusion, in other sections I refer to her as Buruma) , is arguably the most important character in all of DBZ. Why? Well let me give you an overview of the history of the DB World if Bulma was never born. The ultimate result would be, the Universe would probably be destroyed. Please keep in mind that is just an educated guess, and just for fun.

First of all, Gokou would have never met Bulma and lived his life in the Poazu Yama. The only difference would be, Pilaf would come after his Dragon Ball, then they would probably try to fight Gokou, and find they couldn't beat him, so then they'd trick him into giving them the ball. They would go off, and Gokou would probably chase after them, but it would be too late. Gokou isn't as fast as a plane at that point, and he wouldn't have the Kintouen. Also keep in mind, that Pilaf would have to stop by the Capsule Corp. to get the Balls from Bulma's basement. He would also have to travel to Master Roshi's island, but I'm sure they could bribe him with a hentai magazine. So then Pilaf would become ruler of the world. Some other interesting facts would be, Oolong would continue to threaten his town, Yamucha would stay a bandit, Gyu Maou would be stuck at the bottom of Fry Pan Mountain, and Chi-chi might have died on her own, and Toninjinka would continue to terrorize his town.

Some time later, the Red Ribbon Army would become a threat. Their future might have two outcomes. First, Red Sousi might get all the Dragon Balls and wish to be tall, then he would probably be killed by a mutiny. And the second outcome might be, Black Hosa kills Red before he can make his wish, (If he finds out ahead of time what the wish is), and then he would make a wish to rule the World.

Depending on the outcome of the Red Ribbon Army, Piccolo Daimou might, or might not show up. If Red Sousi got his wish, then the world would still be Pilaf's, and he wouldn't need to bring back Piccolo Daimou. But if Black gets his to rule the World, then Pilaf would be booted out, and most likely free Piccolo Daimou. Daimou would wreak havoc, and turn on Pilaf, and kill humans at a relatively slow rate. Master Roshi, might catch wind of Daimou being up and about, and try to find him and do the Mafuba. He might miss and die, or he could succeed and become a hero. (Either way it goes, it's all going to turn out the same). The Piccolo we know wouldn't be born either since that was Daimio's last resort, and if he got sealed in the denshi jar, he wouldn't have time for it, and if he ruled the World, he wouldn't need his assistance.

For several years people could live one of three ways.

    3 Ways of Life
  1. Live under Pilaf's terrible, but dopey iron fist.
  2. Live in terror from Piccolo Daimou.
  3. Live happily with Master Roshi as their hero.

Either way, this is what would happen next, Garlic Junior would awaken, and most likely find the Dragon Balls, and become immortal. Then he would kill Pilaf or Daimou if they were around. If Roshi were around, he wouldn't stand a chance against Garlic, so Garlic would summon all his demons, and lead an assault against Kami, who would most likely succeed in sealing Garlic away like the previous Kami did to Garlic's father. The Earth would then live in peace for some time until the arrival of Raditzu. Raditzu would arrive, and find his brother with a pathetic power level, and kill him on the spot out of disgust. Then he'd kill everyone and prepare the planet for sale and take off. He might not, but even if he didn't, Vegita and Nappa would most likely stop by sometime and kill everyone. Vegita and Nappa wouldn't have any idea about the Dragon Balls on Earth either, and since Piccolo isn't around, Vegita wouldn't get the brain surge to go to Namek, and neither would Freeza. Since everyone on Earth is dead, that means a new race would move in.

So Freeza would continue his destruction and sale of planets. Eventually, after enough battles, Vegita might get cocky and try to fight Freeza. Vegita would be creamed, and Freeza MIGHT spare Nappa. On Earth, Cell and the androids are completely out of the question since their creator is dead, but a new threat would arise, Babidi. He would come to Earth and find the sphere Buu is kept in, and try to get fighting power from people. It would take a lot longer since no one would be as strong as Gokou and Vegita when they fought, but he would be able to do it eventually. Then Fat Buu would awaken. Somewhere along the line, Fat Buu might get really ticked and turn into the Thin Buu, and they'd fight. No doubt, Thin Buu would win. He may or may not eat Fat Buu, but he most likely would since he knows he'd get a power upgrade. Buu would also get smart and kill Babidi by this time. So now Super Buu would run amok and completely destroy everyone, and eventually the Universe, except himself. The End.

Well, that's what might happen in the Dragon Ball World if Bulma was never born. So just be grateful Dr. Briefs isn't THAT old!

Backround Information

Bulma is the daughter of Dr. Briefs, and her mother only known as Mama. Her father is the founder of the Capsule Corporation, and the inventor of the Capsule. She was 16 when the series started and is 51 when Z ends. She is a scientific genius, and she's got good looks to go along with it. Some of her achievements are; building the Dragon Radar, inventing a shrinking ray mounted in a watch, rebuilding an alien Scouter, learning how to use an alien ship and repairing an artificial human with her dad, just to name a few things. In the beginning of Dragon Ball she is very important as a character, but she becomes less of a focus as the series progresses. And for you guys out there, Bulma's bust size at the beginning of Dragon Ball is 85. And no I'm not kidding. This is actually stated. Her husband is Vegita, (although in the alternate future she does not marry him), and she has two children. Trunks is their son, and Bra is their daughter. Oh yeah! Bulma changes her hairstyle 16 times throughout Dragon Ball and has 15 completely different hairstyles. Also, it should be noted that in the alternate future, she also has a different hairstyle. Now read a little bit about her life.

A Brief Summary of Bulma's Life

Bulma was the second character to appear in Dragon Ball after Son Gokou. When the series started out she was a young girl, 16 years of age, who was out on her own spending her summer break from school searching for magical spheres called the Dragon Balls. Her wish was originally to have all the strawberries she could eat, but she later changed her mind and wanted a perfect boyfriend. When she first met Son, she wasn't a very nice person, she was very selfish. She wanted to take his Dragon Ball from him, but he refused because he believed his grandfather's soul was in it. She then tried to bribe him by letting him touch her panties, but Gokou had no desire to touch her "dirty butt.". Finally she asked if he could come with her and bring along his Dragon Ball. He liked the idea, but Bulma was going to use his Dragon Ball when she got all of them, and use him as a bodyguard in the meantime. She was pretty sly for a kid her age. Later on, Bulma met Yamucha. The two became girlfriend and boyfriend eventually, and Yamucha lived with her at her parent's house, the Capsule Corporation. As time went by, Bulma grew up, and became very, uh, touchy. Much more so than when she was a kid. She breaks up with Yamucha because he fools around with other women, but when he's killed by the Saibamen, she realized she truly loved him. She tagged along with the guys on Namek because she suffers from a great deal of self pride, and didn't think anyone else could use the Namekian ship, and partly because she wanted to help get Yamucha back. After the Namek ordeal, Bulma and Yamucha got back together, and seemed happy, (with an occasional slip-up on Yamucha's part). However, when Vegita trains at the Capsule Corp. in her father's gravity room, she seems to gain some affection for him. After the three years pass when everyone was training for their confrontation with the Artificial Humans, Bulma shows up with a kid in her arms. His name is Trunks, and he's Vegita and Bulma's son. Sometime later, after the death of Cell, Bulma and Vegita get hitched, and Vegita learns to actually care for his family, although he doesn't let his emotions truly show until a while later. But Bulma really loves him, and shows it as well. During the Buu saga, Bulma is pretty much a useless character. She doesn't invent anything, or assist in a fight, she's just there as drama. She dearly loves her son Trunks, but she's pretty stern with him sometimes, a la Chi-chi. At the very end of Z after the death of Buu, she's twice as "touchy" as before, and she really looks as if she's aged. Once again, she's not important at the end, but just a nice face to see at the end of the series. However, GT pulls a 180 degree turn, and she becomes fairly important again. First she helps to get Gokou a ship to fly around the universe in, and later in the series, she becomes VERY important when Babi takes over her body. He makes her his assistant, and she figures out weaknesses of Son, and how to turn Babi into a Golden Oozaru. During the Evil Shenron saga she's not important, and hardly seen until the end, when Gokou and Vegita face off against Ii Shenron. She invents the Brute Ray, a special tank that shoots off high amounts of Brute Waves, causing Vegita to turn Super Saiya-jin 4. She and Vegita disappear at the end, and lose contact with the Sons, but in the last episode, you can see Bulma's grand daughter, and Vegita's great grandson. And that's about it for Bulma!



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