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After the fight against Vegeta, Gokou is recuperating at the hospital, while Vegeta is going back to Freeza's planet and also recuperating. Mr. Popo comes into the hospital and tell them about some other Dragon Balls in Planet Namek, the Porunga Dragon Balls. Having heard this Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin decide to go to Planet Namek to gather those Dragon Balls and revive their friends that where lost in the battle against Vegeta and Nappa (Tien, Chaozu, Piccolo, and Yamcha). Along they way, Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan get introduced to many different characters, some minor and some major. They arrive on Namek and come to find that Freeza is there as well (they learned about him through some of the minor characters along their journey). Freeza is also there in search of the Dragon Balls, but he wants to wish for immortality. Vegeta arrives on Planet Namek as well, fully recovered from his injuries, and stronger than ever, and also in search of the Dragon Balls (he too wants to wish for immortality). On Planet Namek there are villages. In each village there lives an elder possessing a Dragon Ball. Fully prepared, Bulma sends news to Earth through this portable satellite phone (Master Roshi is on the other end on Earth).

Gohan and Krillin curious about how Freeza looks hide and take a look at what they (Freeza and his goons) are up to. Gohan makes a comment that they (the Nameks) all look like Piccolo (Remember: Piccolo first discovers he is a Namek after being told by Vegeta and Nappa). Since Gohan and Krillin where spying on Freeza, they couldn't help but join in and help the Nameks when they were being attacked by Freeza. This is when Gohan meets Dende (a young Namek, Dende and Gohan become great friends), Gohan and Krillin save him. Since Gohan and Krillin where helping the Nameks, Freeza ordered his "left-hand" man, Dodoria, after them. They were too fast for Dodoria and they escape him (this is while they are saving Dende).

After they escape, Dodoria comes upon Vegeta. Dodoria bargains for his life and tells Vegeta the truth of what really happened to Planet Vegeta (when he was younger, Vegeta was told that a comet had hit his planet, Vegeta was away capturing a planet at that moment) (Vegeta is the Prince of Planet Vegeta, his dad was the King). Dodoria tells him (Vegeta) that Freeza was the one who had destroyed it, and Vegeta kills him (Dodoria). Back on Earth Yajirobi arrived at the hospital and visited Gokou to give him some senzu beans. Right after eating it Gokou was complete recovered and left to visit Dr. Briefs to see if the spaceship was ready (the spaceship that Gokou had come to Earth in when he was a baby, Dr. Briefs was working on it to improve it, and added a gravity machine for Gokou to train in). Since the spaceship was partially ready (it didn't have the cappuccino maker installed yet), Gokou went on his way to Planet Namek. Kaioh telepathically tells Gokou that Tien, Chaozu, Yamcha, and Piccolo had arrived and were to receive his (Kaioh's) training. Vegeta decides to get at least one of the Dragon Balls, therefore Freeza would not be able to make a wish, since seven Dragon Balls are needed to call for the dragon. Vegeta is able to steal one of the Dragon Balls by destroying one of the villages. He hides the Dragon Ball in the lake and comes upon Zarbon, Freeza's "right-hand" man. They fight and Vegeta is defeated and taken back to Freeza. He escapes and steals all of the Dragon Balls that Freeza had collected. Enraged, Freeza summons the Ginyu Force. During the battle, Krillin and Gohan arrived to Guru's lair to retrieve a Dragon Ball. There, Guru also unleashes the warrior's hidden powers. (Gohan had also used Bulma's dragon-radar to track down a local Dragon Ball, the one that Vegeta had stolen and hidden in the lake.) Vegeta follows Gohan and Krillin while Zarbon follows Vegeta.  

All stop at the cave where Bulma created a house. Vegeta becomes aware of Zarbon and the two fight once again. Zarbon is killed. Vegeta meets with Krillin and Gohan and offers to make an alliance with them, as he senses the arrival of the Ginyu Force. The Dragon Balls are gathered at once as Vegeta prepares to wish for immortality so that he can become powerful enough to defeat the "unbeatable force". They become too late; the force has arrived. Ginyu, Jeice, Burter, Recoome, and Guldo stand before the three. The Ginyu Force quickly steal the Dragon Balls and Ginyu flies away with them. A huge battle follows. Vegeta manages to kill Guldo, but is of no match for the others...  

Gokou finally arrives. He quickly beats Jeice, Burter, and Recoome. Vegeta takes this chance and kills off the injured members to Team Ginyu. Vegeta, no longer a threat to the heroes (for now), joins in the battle on Goku's side. Ginyu arrives. Ginyu does his body transfer ability on Gokou and he swaps bodies with Gokou. Vegeta beats Ginyu (in Goku's body). Ginyu switches bodies again. Gokou is badly battered. Ginyu, again, attempts to switch bodies with Gokou. Gokou throws a frog to intercept the beam, and Ginew permanently swaps bodies with the frog. Gokou is taken to recuperate in a stasis pod. Vegeta gave Gohan and Krillin battle armor suits. The Dragon Balls were gathered and the Porunga Shenron was summoned. Three wishes were granted. The first wish revived Piccolo. The second transported him to Namek to join in the fight. At the third wish, Guru was killed so the Dragon Balls turned into stone. Now, the heroes must face the wraith of Freeza... 

A battle follows. Freeza has killed nearly all the Nameks on the planet, so the Namek Dragon Balls have also turned to stone. The heroes are able to stand up to Freeza, so Freeza undergoes a power-up and enters a physical body change. As the battle intense, Freeza does goes through more metamorphosis stages until his perfect form is reached. No one is certain who will win. Vegeta has been killed. The only true damage done to Freeza was with Krillin's Kienzan, which truncated half of Freeza's tail. In a final attempt to defeat Freeza, Gokou prepares a Genki Dama. The fireball is cast and everyone thinks that Freeza has lost. However, Freeza survived... Wasting no more time, Freeza does a blast that rips through Piccolo. Then, he engulfs Krillin in a fatal force field and crushes him. 

Gokou sees the deaths of his friends and remembers all the innocent that Freeza has killed. Anger takes over Goku's body and Gokou powers up. His hair turns gold and Gokou reaches Super Saiya-Jin level for the first time. Gokou tells Gohan that Piccolo is still alive. Gohan takes Piccolo's body back to Goku's spaceship and then finds Bulma in his father's orders to travel back to Earth. Gokou now goes on a one-on-one combat battle against Freeza... Gokou evades Freeza's attacks. Freeza, trembling in the chance that he may lose to Gokou, an "inferior Saiya-Jin monkey", does a fireball aimed at the planet. Namek's core is destroyed, and planet will explode in 5 minutes. Hurricanes form.  

Cliffs break off. Rubbish fly everywhere. An ominous look is set on what will happen... Kami telepathically communicates to Kaioh. He tells that he will make a plan with the Earth Dragon Balls and asks what wish to make. Kaioh develops a plan to wish to revive all those killed by Freeza. In turn, Guru and Dende will be brought back to life and the Namek Dragon Balls will become available again. Then, the Porunga Dragon Balls can be used to make a wish to teleport everyone on Earth, except for Freeza, to Earth. Popo has gathered the Dragon Balls and the first half of the plan is followed. The Porunga Shenron is summoned and is awaiting to grant the third wish. Freeza sees his chance to be granted immortality and races to the dragon. Vegeta, revived from the wish, also joins in the race. Dende arrives, but Freeza makes his wish first. However, the Porunga Shenron ignores Freeza and grants Dende's wish, which by Goku's plead was changed to leaving he and Freeza on Namek.  

All who were affected by the wish are on Earth. Dende heals Piccolo. Guru, dying, transfers his role to Rooli to become the new Elder so that the Namek Dragon Balls may "shine again". Guru explains what has happened, and then dies. Gokou fights Freeza to a stand-still, but time eventually showed that Freeza was no match for a Super Saiya-Jin. In Freeza's pathetic final attack, two Kienzans are tossed at Gokou. With skillful maneuvering by Gokou, the Kienzans slice Freeza in two instead. Freeza is dying and pleads for help. Gokou gives him a bit of his energy to give Freeza a last chance. Freeza, unwilling to change and lose to a low-class Saiya-Jin, does another fireball at Gokou. Gokou counters it and it overwhelms Freeza. The 5 minutes are up and Planet Namek explodes.  

A spaceship passes by shortly after the destruction of Planet Namek. It's King Cold, the father of Freeza, finds the remains of Freeza's body flowing through space and quickly orders his henchmen to rescue his son.

With the Dragon balls all of the Z fighters that had died in battle were brought back to life and Planet Namek was restored.

Having freed himself from the Dead Zone, Garlic Jr. attacks Kami-sama's lookout with the help of four new underlings, trapping God and his assistant in a bottle. He uses this opportunity to release the Aquamist, a gas that basically turns anyone it reaches into a demon. Meanwhile, Gohan has snuck away from home with Haiya Dragon in order to visit his friends. Krillin has a new girlfriend named Maron, and at the moment are with Bulma, Oolong, and the old man himself at Kame house. The Aquamist reaches the island, transforming them all into demons (With the exception of Krillin and Maron, who were underwater when the mist passed over them). Gohan and his dragon manage to escape the effects as well. Having now reached the island, Gohan finds himself attacked by his friends.

Garlic Jr.'s minions arrive, and inform Gohan of the Super Holy Water, the only thing that can counter the Aquamist. Piccolo comes to Gohan's rescue, but is bitten by one of the demons, and turns against our young hero as well. Upon reaching Kami-sama's tower, Gohan meets Garlic Jr, who tells him how the Makyosei's (a red star) close approach to Earth freed him from the Dead Zone, and makes him stronger by the minute. Garlic Jr. orders his men to focus their attacks on Gohan, because it was him that banished the evil lord to the Dead Zone in Movie 1. (although Kuririn still tries to help Gohan).

Meanwhile, Vegeta is searching for Gokou in deep space, hoping to keep up with his level of strength. Piccolo begins to attack Gohan one on one, and does some serious damage to him. Kuririn, getting in the way of the battle, is bitten by Piccolo, and joins in against Gohan. It is at this moment that Piccolo steals the bottle containing Kami-sama and Popo from Garlic Jr. and releases them. Piccolo explains that since he is already a demon, the aquamist bite had no affect on him. Garlic Jr. becomes enraged, and the Makyosei approaches its apogee to Earth.

Knowing that there is no way to release the Super Holy Water before day break, Popo suggests that it be poured into the holes beneath Kami's palace where the winds would carry it around the world. However, on the way to this place rests the bodies of all the previous Kami's, known as the Shinsenkai. Any living Kami that attempts to pass through this area is in great danger. As the battle with Garlic Jr. and his minions continues on the surface, Kami is attacked by the previous gods, who drain his life force. Since Piccolo and Kami-sama are still spiritually linked, Piccolo begins to suffer in his battle. Despite the incredible amount of pain, Kami and Popo press on, finally reaching the bottom of the palace.

With the dead gods busy attacking Kami, Popo manages to release the Super Holy Water, returning the Earth's population to normal. Back on the surface, Gohan, Kuririn, and Piccolo continue to do battle with Garlic Jr, who becomes stronger every second. Gohan bores a hole into Garlic Jr.'s abdomen, but due to his wish of immortality, is resurrected on the spot. Finding out that the Aquamist has been countered by Kami, Garlic Jr. creates a new Dead Zone, hoping to suck the entire palace from its foundation. Gohan creates an energy shield around himself and his friends so that they will not be absorbed into the tear, but uses much of his energy maintaining it.

Piccolo distracts Garlic Jr, allowing Gohan to destroy the Makyosei. With the evil star now gone, Garlic Jr. loses all of his power, and falls into the Dead Zone once again. With Garlic Jr. gone and peace once again restored, the Z warriors wonder where Gokou could possibly be...

(This following selection actually is considered the Cell saga, but I thought it was more appropriate if it went here, because it's about Freeza)  

Freeza is literally rebuilt, as he becomes half robotic. Now, father and son plan to land on Earth to get revenge of what happened... The ship lands on Earth. The Z warriors on Earth are no match for Freeza, and now they must face him in addition to King Cold... without the help of Gokou, to which all believed was dead. Cold and Freeza believe in swift victory in the destruction of Earth, but a figure appears out of nowhere. Vegeta recognizes the aura of the man to be that of a Saiya-Jin, and resents the fact that there is another stronger than him. The mysterious visitor charges up and reaches Super Saiya-Jin level. With a few slashes with his sword, Freeza is truly killed. Then, the figure shoots a fireball at Cold, which pierces through his heart and automatically kills him. The stranger introduces himself as Trunks, the future son of Bulma and Vegeta.

His story is told in Trunks Story. He tells that Gokou is not dead, but escaped to Planet Yardat when Planet Namek exploded. Then, he tells that Gokou should appear in a few seconds. The Z warriors are shocked, and Gokou does appear. He really did take refuge in Yardat and learned how to teleport from its inhabitants. Then, Trunks introduces his purpose to seeking Gokou and the cast, and this leads to the Cell Series... Once again the Earth was safe, but not for long.  

Continued on to the next 2 sagas.


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