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Welcome to Silver Taco

Formerly known as Chrisaholic This is a website dedicated to Chris Kirkpatrick, founder of Nsync and now former CEO of Fumanskeeto. So once again welcome to the new Chrisaholic and I hope you enjoy the site.

takes all five to get nsync
This Must Be Pop

K nu Support Crew


Months have gone by...and I'm sorry to say that my love for Nsync and their music has faded. New things have come around and although I will always love Chris and Nsync, I have discovered new bands and a new Criss to obsess over lol. If you're interested you can visit my new website at here.. I will keep this site up for people to enjoy but I will no longer be updating. Thanks to all who visited :) and bye!

MP3, YAY! Only 2 but I'm working on it. I won't have much because like I've mentioned in previous updates I only have 20MB (not much at all). I have the Anti-Drug and Armegedn'nsync thing and am hoping to get a videos section. Look for that.
Time: 2:11p (Wow, so much time has gone by hasn't it)
I changed the layout for all those who are blind and didn't notice. Anyway for those wondering what is FKA? Its Fine Kirkpatrick Ass. I will probably have this layout for awhile because you all know I have like no time to update and still have a life. Anyway, like I said parents gone=more computer time. So hopefully more updates. Enjoy the new layout!
Time: 2:04pm

Well I know its late but lets all say happy 31st birthday to Chris! Anyway, the lyrics should be done this weekend becaue my parents will be gone and I can stay up late and update. YAY!!! Anyway, another humor story posted, somewhat PG-13 but funny none the less. Please, you mist totally agree with the disclaimer before reading, its all in good fun people, LAUGH, its funny.

Wow I haven't updated. Ok well I don't remember if the MP3's are up but I did put up a survey and a Mahjongg game with Chris tiles/backround/skin available to use. Unfortunately you have to download it but its worth it, you get a lot more than Mahjongg. For any of you who don't know it is its that game where you match the tiles. Anyway, 9:00 curfew, I hate school.
Time: 9:01pm

The pictures page is fixed and I'm now adding the MP3's so that should be up, if nothing goes wrong. I'm also going to upload more pictures. Once again sorry for the waiting time, the pictures had to be uploaded on a different page to fix them all.
Time: 12:54p

All Celebrity lyrics up and thats all I'm doing tonight because I am really tired. But I probably am going to be working on lyrics more tomorrow, so look forward to that. Thanks for dealing with me.
Time: 7:20p

Ok 40 Buddy Icons and 3 Wallpapers, can be found under interact. More picture pages in the process but may take awhile. Lyrics also in progress, but just to tel I won't be able to update for a few days or more due to end of summer school crap.
Time: 12:25p

Well I've updated a bunch of thing and am as of now working on the lyrics, which should be up soon. But my cousins are coming today so I might get much time to finish. But while your waiting for lyrics I have some updatesin the new section and 2 transcripts up. Well gotta get back to work.

The pictures section is up but there is an incredibly slow waiting time for all thje pictures to show. This is because I have been forced to make 4 other Angelfire websites useing almost all 20mb to have all the pictures I want up. Maybe someday when I get a domain name it won't take so long but just be patient they have to transfer from the other pages. And I have some mohawk pics on page 1 for those who haven't seem them yet. Thanks for being patient!

Today the site opened officially but things are being added and updates as I type this. By the end of the day, hopefully, everything will be up and running. Including all the lyrics which I left unfinished at Chrisaholic. Right now the only section working like it should is the Chris section, so check that out while your waiting for the rest.