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The Boys
George Gallery
Paul Gallery

The Beatles
Beatlemania In Pictures
What Is An "Apple Scruff"?

Something Different
Special Someone
Gnome Smile
Irresistible Paul

Link Me
I Belong

Restless Wind


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In the 60's four lads took the music industry and the world by storm. Not only did they have number one songs all over the charts, but they created a magic that was so infectious that people all over couldn't help fall in love with them. People who were followers of this group couldn't be called fans, they couldn't be called fanatics. There was so much more than just the love for the music and the lads. Since no one knew what to call their followers and how the lads effected them they needed something that could explain it. Beatlemania was what it was called and since then, no musician has come close to shake the world like the Beatles did.

Beatlemania would never be such a big deal if it wasn't for the fans who loved them to the extreme. Beatlemania still exsists today, but never as strong as it was back then. The fans of yesterday have made a path for the younger generation like myself.

So what was it like to love the Beatles back during Beatlemania? Here's an inside look at what it was like. These are the fans who knew what good music is, these are the fans that made a giagantic dent in music history, these are their stories....

Beatle Memories: CatAnna's Stories

Beatlemania: Charolette's Story

The Fan And The Beatle: Martha's Story

Tons Of Memories

If you lived the mania, please feel free to e-mail and let me know! Why keep some of your favorite memories to yourself? Share them with the younger generations!