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Also, if you can't tell, the binaries are pre-compiled executables, so you don't need to compile yourself (unless you want to).

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   MameAnalog+ 0.76

Fixed bugs in the added rotary support for Ikari and other snk games.
Re-added 3 player support to rampart (thanks jake)

Now with a build for multiple mice in winXP (thanks jake!)

(whatsnew list, features list)

MameA+ ver. 0.76.1 binary, (windows)
binary, (windowsXP)
source / diff, (windows/windowsXP)

Other Current Downloads:

  • WinUser with Rawinput; needed to compile MameAnalog+XP with MinGW
  • Mame .70u1 inputs; tab delimited text file with evey game and it's inputs
  • patch - needed to patch the diff files into the mame source files.

Old Downloads:

These might not be still online for account limited diskspace. If something you really want is not online, email me your request and I'll try to get it to you.


Fixed bugs in the added rotary support for Ikari and other snk games.
Re-added 3 player support to rampart (thanks jake)

Now with a build for multiple mice in winXP (thanks jake!)

(whatsnew list, features list)

MameA+ ver. 0.74.2 binary, (windows)
binary, (windowsXP)
source / diff, (windows)
source / diff, (windowsXP)

MameA+ ver. 0.74.1

binary, (windows)
binary, (windowsXP)

source / diff, (windows)
source / diff, (windowsXP)


Includes: Multiple Mice, Splitable Mouse Axis, Remapping mice - > player, preliminary analog joystick support for spinner games, saved settings. (whatsnew list, features list)

Added standard codes for controllers 5-8.

MameA+ ver. 0.73.1

binary, (windows)

source / diff, (windows)


Includes: Multiple Mice, Splitable Mouse Axis, Remapping mice - > player, preliminary analog joystick support for spinner games, saved settings. (whatsnew list, features list)

Added more games with the improved 12-way rotary support for druin's and mk64 adapters, based on the work by MC-Escher and Jake <jjs>

MameA+ ver. 0.72.1,
       aka 0.72u1.1

binary, (windows)

source / diff, (windows)


Includes: Multiple Mice, Splitable Mouse Axis, Remapping mice - > player, preliminary analog joystick support for spinner games, saved settings. (whatsnew list, features list)

Improved 12-way rotary support for druin's and mk64 adapters, based on the work by MC-Escher

binary, ver.71.2 (windows u1, u2, & u2quick, dx7)

source / diff, ver.71.2 (windows)

binary, ver.71.1 (windows u1, dx7)
binary, ver.71.1 (mame32 + u1 changes, dx7)

source / diff, ver.71.1 (windows)
source ver.71.1 (mame32 <-- you need analog+ source, too)
diff, ver.71.1 (mame32)


Includes: Multiple Mice, Splitable Mouse Axis, Remapping mice - > player, preliminary analog joystick support for spinner games, saved settings. (features list, whatsnew list)

(Info only important for people compiling their own):
ver 0.70.2 has two zip diff files, diff 2 is bigger because the u1-u4 changes are included, and is designed to patch straight from a vanilla mame 0.70 source. Most people will problably only want the first zip diff

Analog+ is now in sync with the headers used by the official mame. You don't need the dx8 headers like before.

binary, ver.70.2 (windows u4, dx7)

diff, ver.70u4.2 (windows)
diff 2, almost same as above, except includes u1, u2, u3, & u4 changes in the one diff file

binary, ver.70.1 (windows u2, dx7)

diff, ver.70u2.1 (windows)


Includes: Multiple Mice, Splitable Mouse Axis, Remapping mice - > player, preliminary analog joystick support for spinner games, saved settings. (features list)

(Info only important for people compiling their own):
Analog+ is now in sync with the headers used by the official mame. You don't need the dx8 headers like before.

binary, ver.69.1 (windows dx7)
binary, ver.69.1 (dos)
binary, ver.69.1 (mame32 dx7)

source / diff, ver.69.1 (windows)
source / diff, ver.69.1 (dos)
source / diff, ver.69.1 (mame32)


Includes: Multiple Mice, Splitable Mouse Axis, Remapping mice - > player, preliminary analog joystick support for spinner games, saved settings. (features list & some mulitple mice old info)

no new options this version

new-ish options:
720 analog joystick and 8-way joystick support (thanks jake)
improved dual lightgun
lethal enforcers reload (thanks fosters)
area51, maximum force reload (thanks fosters)

binary, ver.68.1 (windows dx8)
binary, ver.68.1 (dos)
binary, ver.68.1 (mame32 dx8)

source / diff, ver.68.1 (windows)
source / diff, ver.68.1 (dos)
source / diff, ver.68.1 (mame32)


Includes: Multiple Mice, Splitable Mouse Axis, Remapping mice - > player, preliminary analog joystick support for spinner games, saved settings. (features list & some mulitple mice old info)

new options:
720 analog joystick and 8-way joystick support (thanks jake)
lethal enforcers reload (thanks fosters)
improved dual lightgun

(0.67.2) foster's fixes for:
umm.. can't remember ATM.

binary, ver.67.2 (windows dx8)

source / diff, ver.67.2 (windows)
source / diff, ver.67.2 (dos)
source / diff, ver.67.2 (mame32)

binary, ver.67.1 (windows dx8)

source / diff, ver.67.1 (windows)


Includes: Multiple Mice, Splitable Mouse Axis, Remapping mice - > player, preliminary analog joystick support for spinner games, saved settings, splitmouse and resetmouse for commandline/ini file control of mouse axis mapping for windows dx8 build (not mame32 or dmame builds yet), area51 reload (thanks fosters), 720 calibration wheel (thanks jerryjanis), and arch rivals & pigskin 49way-joystick simulation (thanks SirPoonga).

(features list & some old info)

binary, ver.65.2 (windows dx8)
binary, ver.65.2 (dos)
binary, ver.65.2 (mame32 dx8)

source / diff, ver.65.2 (windows)
source / diff, ver.65.2 (dos)
source / diff, ver.65.2 (mame32)

binary, ver.65.1 (windows dx8)
binary, ver.65.1 (dos)
binary, ver.65.1 (mame32 dx8)

source / diff, ver.65.1 (windows)
source / diff, ver.65.1 (dos)
source / diff, ver.65.1 (mame32)


binary, ver.64.1 (windows dx8)
binary, ver.64.1 (mame32 dx8)

source / diff, ver.64.1 (windows)
source / diff, ver.64.1 (mame32)


binary, ver.63.2 (windows dx8)

source / diff, ver.63.2 (windows)

binary, ver.63.1 (windows dx8)

source / diff, ver.63.1 (windows)


binary, ver.62.1 (windows dx8)
binary, ver.62.1 (dos)
binary, ver.62.1 (mame32 dx8)

source / diff, ver.62.1 (windows)
source / diff, ver.62.1 (dos)
source / diff, ver.62.1 (mame32)

  • - directX headers (from above) edited for gcc 2.95 be able to compile without warning

binary, ver.61.2 (windows dx8)
binary, ver.61.2 (dos)
binary, ver.61.2.1 (mame32 dx8)

source / diffs, ver.61.2 (windows)
source / diffs, ver.61.2 (dos)
source / diffs, ver.61.2.1 (mame32)

binary, ver.61.1 (windows dx8)
binary, ver.61.1 (dos)
binary, ver.61.1 (mame32 dx8)

source / diff, ver.61.1 (windows)
source / diff, ver.61.1 (dos)
source / diff, ver.61.1 (mame32)


binary, ver.60.3 (windows dx8)
binary, ver.60.3 (dos)

source & diff, ver.60.3 (both dos & windows)

binary, ver.60.2 (windows dx8)
binary, ver.60.2 (dos)

source & diff, ver.60.2 (both dos & windows)

binary, ver.60.1 (windows dx8)
binary, ver.60.1 (dos)
binary, ver.60.1 (mame32 dx8)

source diff, ver.60.1 (both dos & windows)

source diff, ver.60.1 (mame32)


binary, ver.60.1 (windows)
binary, ver.60.1 (dos)

source diff, ver.60.1
  • dosmame v.60 with -hotrod & -hotrodse options added back in (source)

binary, test 2 (windows dx8)

source diff, test 2   (also diff from test 1)

binary, test 1 (windows dx8)
binary, test 1 (mame32 dx8)

source diff, test 1
source diff, test 1 (mame32)


binary, test 1 (windows)

source diff, test 1

binary, test 1 (windows dx8)
binary, test 1 (mame32 dx8)


source diff, test 1
source diff, test 1 (mame32)

   Mame58: Analog Pedal

binary, test 1 (windows)

source, test 1 source diff, test 1
binary, test 1 (windows dx8)
binary, test 1 (windows dx5: no multiple mice)
binary, test 1 (dos)
- source diff, test 1
   Mame57:  Analog Pedal

binary, test 1 (windows)
binary, test 1 (dos)

- -
binary, test 2 (windows dx8) source, test 2

source diff, test 2
source diff, test 2 from test 1

binary, test 1 (windows dx8) source, test 1 source diff, test 1
   Mame56:  Analog Pedal
- source, test 2

source diff, test 2
source diff, test 2 from test 1

- source, test 1 source diff, test 1
Mame55:Analog+ /
MultiMice Mame
dx8 binary ( source ( diff (
   Mame55:  Analog Pedal
dx5 binary ( source (same as mame56 version) diff (same as 56)

Main Site:





I'll redo the page again. (WIP)