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Your body is your doctor
This book is written so that others may have an insight into my work. It is based on my way of life, method of healing, teaching, and ontology.

What I have written you may not accept, after all it is my stream. The water may be cooling to one, but a curse to another. The flower is nothing more than its colour and scent. It may be offensive to others.

The book may seem unco-ordinated, but it is difficult to put 30 years of experience into a small book. It would need many volumes to describe my healing methods, which have cured more than 25,000 supposedly incurable patients. I could use those hours more profitably in meditation, as this indirectly helps my patients.

I hope that this book will help you overcome your drugs and live a longer, healthier, natural life.

There is no mystery in my work. It is only a secret to those who have closed minds. It is a mystery to those without an open heart and without an open mind. The manner in which I work is not supernatural: it is a matter of self-discipline and self-relaxation
and being in harmony with my soul and inner self and the inner self of my patients. Every morning when I commence my work, I approach my clinic with calmness so that my inner self can be in
harmony with my inner vital energy. I humble myself at my first bow, I calm my mind and relax my body and rid my mind of all external thoughts until my mind is quiet and as calm as water in a basin.

On the second bow, I start to forget the reward to be gained and forget everything which might come as the result of my work. On the third bow, I relax my body until the physical body disappears. I am no longer conscious of my breathing and heart beating or my frame. I subsconsciously allow all my muscles to relax. It is then that I start healing my patients when all the disturbing elements have vanished and my healing skill is coming from within and I have full concentration of the third body of the patient. When a patient appears, I look into the third self looking with my third eye, healing the abnormality of disharmony with my own natural skill and healing power.

The needles in my hands are brought into harmony with the universe and are guided by a force within me which interacts with that of the patients. This is thought to be supernatural by many, but it is not.

Countless patients have consulted me from all over Australia, New Zealand, and some from as far as England, Germany and South-East Asia.

It was a waste of their money and time, because although their illnesses were regarded as incurable or they had been told by their specialist that they would have to learn to live with their problems,
and I subsequently cured them, my methods could have been carried out by themselves, using basic natural approaches, i.e.:
        Mental Relaxation (meditation, chanting)
        Diet (basic and simple)
        Chi Balance (Shi Luo Dou)
        Organic Pharmaconosy (herbal medicine).

This book will help many.