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Slimax Herbal Cellulite Cream-Cellurub

Herbal Cellulite Cream has been specially formulated to assist you with 'Stretch Marks, Scar Tissue and Cellulite'. Cellulite is a major problem that most people particularly women. This cream helps you ovecome those bumps. Bumps and bulges which seem to lodge in the following areas: inner, upper and back parts of the thighs, stomach, hips, buttocks, inside the knees and inside and back of upper arms.

To discover if you have a cellulite problem, press the skin between the palms of both hands. If cellulite is present, the skin ripples and looks like orange peel, but dieting will not rid you of this unsightly problem.

1: Start on your slimax drops of capsule which help you to drain and remove trapped substances.

2: Massage with Slimax Herbal Cream which helps helps to return the connective tissoe to its normal elasticity and suppleness.

Cellurub consists of: Vitamin A, D, E, Juvex Tinoture, Slimax-Ginseng and extratum in a Lecithin Base.

Apply cream to lumpy areas (before or after shower). Starting the massage with gentle but firm strokes.