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Skin series

Our body is made up of millions of tiny cells, which are the basic component of any living organism.

Every cell has "life". they utilize energy, excrete waste, and perform other basic functions to keep our bodies alive.

There are skin cells, muscle cells etc. Each cell must have a fluid medium, and 70% of our body weight is water. Cells communicate with other cells via this fluid medium, which is constantly in motion, and is brought to the cells by tiny train like tubes called capillaries. The cells select from the fluid which surrounds them, the nutrients and oxygen they need for their purpose, and return to the fluid the waste products that result from this action.

The energy required for movement of the fluid is call 'CHI', if their is lack of 'CHI' the fluids cease to circulate. the cells fall to obtain nutrients and oxygen and are overcome by poisonous wastes. This injures them, and causes them firstly to undergo "ageing" and then finally perish.

The adequate supply of 'CHI' to circulate, nutrients to the body cells and to remove the poisonous wastes from cells is of great importance. Should the fluid medium which nourishes the cells be allowed to weaken by bad methods of living and loss of 'CHI', the circulation of the fluid through the vast network of capillaries slows down. Not only are the cells slowed down but so is the removal of the waste matter from the cells. When this happens the body cells age rapidly, and body resistance to disease is reduced, - therefore, cellular health is our total health. It is the kind of nourishment which we supply to the cells which largely determines whether of not we shall be healthy or ailing, look older than our age, or have a youthful looking skin.

Chinese physicians believe that the production of 'CHI' is essential in the body, so that the nutrients could more efficiently be circulated, absorbed and excreted from the cells, thus improving "life".