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Michael grasped the satchel and ran past the man.

Michael jumped in his truck and drove off, leaving the man in a trail of angerness and confusion.

"That was so close!" Michael gasped.

*Max, is going to kill me!* Michael thought.


"Oh my gosh!" Liz said, she freaked and leaned up againest Max.

*Gory, always gets the girls.* Max thought. *Liz is clutching on to my arm..Yes!* Max grinned.

In the movie, a man runs up and kills an alien.

"Okay, now this is not fun. Can we leave?" Max asked, irritated.

"Gladly." Liz answered, shaking her head.

Max got up, Liz didn't waste her time, getting up either.

Max walked outside. "So much for the movie....I'm sorry." Max apolglized.

"You don't have to apolglized, Max." Liz smiled.

"How about we have our own dinner and a movie?" Max suggested.

"That's a great idea! We can go to my house, my parents are out for a few hours." Liz answered.

"I can get the movie." Max said.

"Okay, I'll cook the food." Liz responded.


The bell dinged as Max went into the video store. He walked up to help desk.

"Excuse me, could you reccomend some old, romantic movies?" Max asked.

"I recommend 'Gone with the Wind' if your watching it with someone special." The clerk answered.

"Okay. Thanks." Max answered.

Max went to look for 'Gone with the Wind' when he heard a familiar voice. He stopped and listened, he couldn't forget this voice, it was the voice of none other than Sheriff Valenti.

The sheriff turned the corner to see Max.

"Max! How could to see you! How are you fellow?" The sheriff asked brightly.

*That's odd that's so unlike him.* Max thought.

"Um, I'm okay. How's Kyle?" Max asked, although he didn't care for Kyle that much.

"He's okay. He's plain old Kyle. How are your parents?" The sheriff smiled.

*Something's wrong.* Max thought.

"Is something wrong? My parents are fine. I have to go, it was nice talking to you." Max answered quickly.

"Okay-Doky. See ya later Maxwell!" Sheriff grinned and walked off.

"Gee...Maxwell? I hate that." Max muttered.

He got the video and went back up to the counter.

"Okay. I see you took my advice." She smiled.

"That's $3.19. Enjoy the video. Bye! Come back soon!" She said, handing him a bag.

"Ok. Thanks." Max paid the girl and walked out the door. He climbed in his jeep and drove off.


Michael parked the truck and got it, he couldn't wait to open the satchel, he opened the door and stepped.

"Mickey, get over here!" Hank yelled. "There's someone I want you to meet. Mr. Stone this is my son, Mickey."

"Yeah, dad I gotta go in my room for a minute." Michael quickly responded.

"Say Hello!" Hank muttered, irritably at Michael.

"Hi Mr. Stone, nice to meet you." Michael said, he then hurried to his room.

"You'll have to excuse my son, he's always rude, just ignore him." Hank answered.

"Maybe I could straighten him out." Mr. Stone replied.

"Go right ahead." Hank replied.

Mr. Stone approached Michael's room.

Michael pulled out the contents that were in the satchel, they were documents.

"Great, I could have died just for useless documents." Michael huffed.

"Wait a minute..." Michael looked at the top paper again. "Oh Boy..."

A knock came on the door.

"Come in." Michael answered.

"Hello, Mickey." Mr. Stone came in. "Thank you for finding my satchel."

Michael gulped. *Uh-Oh.*

"I'll be taking that now." Mr. Stone approached him.

"Over my dead body." Michael answered, roughly.

"That can be arranged." Mr. Stone replied, smirking.

He approached, Michael swept up the documents, he wasn't about to hand them over to Stone.

"Playing hard to get?" Stone asked.

Stone grabbed Michael by the throat, and slammed him up againest the wall.

"Give me the papers!" Stone yelled.

"Never! I'd rather die!" Michael yelled.

Stone pressed harder on his throat, and then dropped Michael on the floor, he turned around to look for a weapon.

Michael got up slowly, he opened his window, he clutched the papers in his one hand.

Mr. Stone turned around just in time to see Michael try climbing out of the window.

"Not so fast Mickey, you something that I want very much." Mr. Stone slapped a piece of wood into his palm, over and over. Stone grabbed Mickey.

Michael turned around some, and with his free hand, punched Stone square in the face. Stone fell down and Michael climbed out of the window. He had to show Max.

*Boy, will he be shocked* Michael thought. He turned around to see if Stone was behind him, Stone was just climbing out of the window.

Michael stopped. *I used to take track, now I know I can do this!* Michael thought furiously.

Michael looked behind him, Stone was gaining on him.

"What is he Superman?" Michael gasped.

Michael started running, as fast as he could go, he glimpsed behind him, Stone was very far back now.

*He'll never catch up* Michael thought.


Max put the tape in the VCR and hit play.

"I hope you like this movie, the woman at the store said it was good." Max said.

Liz smiled. "I think I will."

The movie started.

"Oh! Max! I love this movie! Thank you so much!" Liz smiled, and hugged him.

Just then the door burst open, and Michael rushed in.

"Michael...what the..??" Max asked, startled. He paused the movie.

Liz got up. "Is it something serious?"

"Yes..." Michael gasped. "Wait till you see these..."

Part IV