
Hello! Welcome to the Teen 2 Teen website. We are a peer education group based in Providence, Rhode Island. Here you will find lots of information on the work that we do surrounding HIV/AIDS, STD's and other health issues concerning youth. Have fun exploring our site.
All About Us! Contraceptives HIV/AIDS STDs
Relationships Teen Pregnancy Violence


Links of Interest:

Advocates for Youth

Planned ParentHood

Coalition for Positive Sexuality

Sex, Etc.


Who we are !

Welcome to the AIDS Project Teen 2 Teen Outreach New and Improved Web page! We are a group of caring teenagers who work together on various projects. These projects aid in raising the level of awareness of AIDS, HIV, and other sexually transmitted diseases in Rhode Island. Our outreach extends to everyone: this includes children, fellow teens, adults, and senior citizens. We help everyone who wants or needs help.

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