Scoring System
~Signing Guestbook: 2 points
~Leaving a message on the Message Board: 2 points
~E-mailing me (about the site): 2 points
~If I use a suggestion for the page that you sent me, you get 3 points
~Answering the Question of the Week (right): 3 points
~Sending me a link to your site onto the Links page: 4 points
~Sending me a story for the Story Page: 5 points per chapter.
~Sending me a poem for the Poems page: 4 points
~Send me one of your own fantasy drawings to the Pictures page: 4 points
~Go to an RP: 4 points
~Write a message on the RP MB: 3 points
~Send me a summary that I don't already have on the Books Page: 5 points
~Send me the alphabet with something (or someone) from the books for each letter (for example, A=Alanna, B=Buri, etc): 4 points if you use al the books, 6 points if you use one series, and 8 points if you use one book.
~Join the Tortall Fan Club: 3 points
{Scores} {Join the Rogue Club} {View members}