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Rogue Club

Welcome to the Rogue Club. The scoring here is similar to the Knight Club, but a bit more difficult. Alianne also gave me this idea, but it isn't from her page. Here are the rules: To join, just sign the Dreambook below. You start out as a pickpocket, when you have 125 points you get to choose your title: you can be a thief or a forger (give me suggestions for other titles if you think of any). If you have 250 points you can become the Rogue, but of course only the person with the highest score above 250 can be, 'cause there's only one Rogue. The person with the second-highest score (but it has to be above 125) is the Rogue's Second-in-Command.

Scoring System

~Signing Guestbook: 2 points

~Leaving a message on the Message Board: 2 points

~E-mailing me (about the site): 2 points

~If I use a suggestion for the page that you sent me, you get 3 points

~Answering the Question of the Week (right): 3 points

~Sending me a link to your site onto the Links page: 4 points

~Sending me a story for the Story Page: 5 points per chapter.

~Sending me a poem for the Poems page: 4 points

~Send me one of your own fantasy drawings to the Pictures page: 4 points

~Go to an RP: 4 points

~Write a message on the RP MB: 3 points

~Send me a summary that I don't already have on the Books Page: 5 points

~Send me the alphabet with something (or someone) from the books for each letter (for example, A=Alanna, B=Buri, etc): 4 points if you use al the books, 6 points if you use one series, and 8 points if you use one book.

~Join the Tortall Fan Club: 3 points

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