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What Lindsey and Chris Say...</head>
What Lindsey and Chris Say...


"It was an odd feeling, being back together, but it was obvious we were having fun. i'd been dong some writing, and demos for a new solo album, but had really stepped back from music for the time being, returning to England, and restoring a huge, sixteenth century house my husband and I had bought in the country. I was very content with my life, but I must admit, I felt the pull."

"If anything, I'm hoping that we're now going to be good for each other. Wouldn't that be a nice way for things to turn out?"


"We'd lived through such a musical soap opera and just the fact that we'd survived gave us something in common. The magic, the energy, the pure joy of working together was stronger than ever."

Only Time Will Tell
What Mick and John Say...

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