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Only Time Will Tell
Only Time Will Tell

We all wonder whether the mac will ever tour again, right? Well, now you can decide for yourself. I've added some links to some quotes from the Mac themselves, so that you can set your opinion, and send it to me at by clicking on the scroll,. and I'll post them here a little later.

Note, as of right now, Stevie has had nothing to say on the matter. If you find any quotes about that, please help a fellow Mac junkie, and send them to me.

What They Say

What Lindsey and Christine Say
What John and Mick

Opinions of Others

Yes I think they will, I pray they will! I'm really hoping they will do a world tour next time as I live in the UK and I have a friend in Australia who wants to see them too. Hurry up Fleetwood Mac....we love you!
P.S I really like your site, it has a very personal feel to it...keep up the good work :)

They did say something about the year 2002, something about a new album...thats what I heard from a list I'm on....I also heard that Buckingham Nicks is supposed to come out in Dec...along with a Buckingham Nicks Home Video....I dont know if these rumours are true...I sure do hope so!!

Yes, I certainly do think that the Mac will get back together some day. What would we-their loyal fans-do if they didn't?


I'd be very disappointed if they never did anything again. :-( It would be great if they just made another album, but I'd love to see them live. )Oh, Christine, we love you, but still......) LOL
As for Fleetwood Mac, I heard that Mick and John are more than willing to work again, but since Lindsey and Stevie are doing their own projects, and Christine doesn't seem to be too interested in touring again, I'm not going to get my hopes up too high right now.:'(
Hope this helps!
Andrea :)

I think you have a really nice mac page. I have been a fan of them since (gulp, the early seventies) Jeeze, I even have a Christy and the Chicken Shack the Buckingham Nicks album from before the were in the Mac..
First off, yeah they will tour again..they have to, 'cause in all these years I have never ever seen them..seems like their tours have always been at bad times in my life, which is strange cause their music has helped me in many bad times in my life. Oh well..they will tour and I will see them.

I wish I could help you and tell you when there are touring again and even if they are. I myself are wondering the same thing. My mother always promised if they ever came back she would take me, and sure enough she did. It was the best concert I have ever been to!!!!

I'm sure they'll tour again someday, hard to say when, but when they do I'll be one of the first ticket holders :) Fleetwood Mac's the best.
-Artic- Shawn

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