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Flowers of the Cape Peninsular in 1926

Flowers found growing in Capetown and the Peninsular in 1926

"In these days people have become largely interested in natural science and when they spend a holiday in the Cape Beautiful they will like to be intelligently directed where to see and find the best of the flora". 1926

"Visitors to the Cape Peninsular have always been charmed with the beauty and variety of our flora. Some are content with merely admiring the gorgeous display of flowers exposed for sale in Adderley Street, but to appreciate to the full the exquisite beauty of some of the Peninsular flowers one should see them growing in the natural habitats. A day spent on Table Mountain, Muizenberg or Simonstown Mountains, on the slopes above Camps Bay and the suburbs, on Signal Hill, Lion's Head, Devil's Peak or the Cape Flats will amply repay the lover of Nature"
All excerpts taken from "the Cape Wild Flowers" in " The Cape of Good Hope" " Being the Official Handbook of the City of Capetown" fourth (overseas) Edition. 1926.

The Cape Wild Flowers

A writer in "The Field" in 1906 upon the Flowers of the Cape said: --- "But who can describe the glories of the flower world of the Cape Peninsular? On an area smaller than the Isle of Wight there are found two hundred more species than in the whole of England; in fact, the only district richer in flowers is that of Hong Kong."

Below is a list of flowers to be seen in their natural state in the Cape Peninsular, which was printed in the "Cape of Good Hope" handbook. "Being the Official Handbook of the City of Capetown", fourth (overseas) Edition, published in 1926.