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My Self My College My Family
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My Family

My Dad, is an entrepreneur. What I respect from him, that he never say 'give up' in his life. He used to be an office employee. He worked from 9 to 5, every day, and that really bored him. He just can't sit behind the desk for his whole life. No challenge at all, he said. Alhamdulillah, now Daddy can got his succees that he build from zero...

My Mom is a truly great housewife. She is native Indonesian, from Mandailing ethnic (Mandailing is one of many ethnics in North Sumatra). She is very good at cooking and sewing. Even she never taste a University education, she really care about her children education. Most religion education was implanted on us, by Mom. Hmm...isn't that great???

We are about four brothers and sisters. I'm the oldest. I have two brothers and one sister. My first brother, hmmm...nice looking, still in college University of Sumatera, taking Economy Management. My second brother, has just graduated from SUTOMO 1 Medan senior high school. And...I got suprise for ya! When I was opspek in 1995, my Mom gave birth again! She gave us (Allah gave us) a sweet little sister. Now she's six years old. She's pretty naughty. Yeah, you know, maybe she follows her big sister attitude a little hihihi...

My Hobbies

Talking about hobbies, I really like writing. Especially writing shortstories. Sometimes I write article, too. Until now, my work is publish in many mass media in Medan, eg. HU.Waspada, HU.Sinar Indonesia Baru, and HU.Analisa. I started to write in 1997. You must be wondering why I didn't start to write from along time ago. The answer is coz I felt I couldn't produce a good short stories or articles so that they can be published in mass media. Finally I realized I was wrong! I suppose to write from along time ago if I encourage myself to try. Isn't that right?

I like to write short stories coz I can controll the subject in the story that I made . Everything I want could happen in my story. When I was in high school, there's parting program. Every class should contribute one program to fill that parting program. We contributed drama. I wrote the script, actually and be the player, too. All of the program was raced. And, guess what...we won! Wow, I truly madly deeply happy at that time. But unfortunately, I didn't continue writing since then. About fourth semester in college, I begin to write again. By the way, I also attended a writing competition who was organized by Ash Shiddiq Intellectual Forum from Bandung, and I was included in the "best 15 shortstories nominees". Not bad huh, just to test my ability.

Besides writing, I love to read horror stories. I like RL Stine stories (Fear Street) very much. Including watching horror film, too. Correspondence is my other hobby. If you guys and girls want to make friendship with me, I accept it with open arms. Maybe we can share some info and experience together. Okay? I'll be waiting...

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