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Hello, my name is Morrine Washburn, and I have been involved in the translation profession for quite some time now. Provided is a summary of my qualifications:

- 7 years experience in translation working for a multinational firm in Costa Rica

- 15 years translating and customer service/marketing for Ferguson Perforating

- Several certificates from CompUSA in Word Processing, MS Word, and Excel

- Business certificate from the American Business Academy in San Jose, Costa Rica

- Certificates from the Community College of Rhode Island in Technical Writing and MS-DOS

- Biology Degree from Barrington, Rhode Island

- Volunteer work at the International Institute of Rhode Island from 1982-1984

- Currently working for South Providence Neighborhood Ministries

M & R Connections

13 Greenwich Court, West Warwick, RI 02893

Telephone: (401) 827-8977 || Fax: (401) 823-8109 || E-mail:



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