My Own Songs

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The Anonymous Quotes Page

These are my songs, that I wrote, but haven't gotten professionally produced.

Enjoy! These have all been reduced to their PG13 forms, but the underlined words in the songs aren't in their original forms. These songs are mostly Rated R in their births.

Realize, that under the Publication Act, any original production through media has all rights reserved to it's owner. Even though this page contains original works, and the page belongs to Angelfire, the works themselves do not belong to Angelfire, they belong to me until I sell the rights or have it proven that I did not produce them originally, in which case you may come and try to refute this point, but I have the works before they were even typed, so come on! I'll countersue and make a few grand.

In either case, enjoy the raps and rhymes. Do Not Reproduce These Titles or Any Lines Without Prior Consent! Even if it's for a school assignment, I do not authorize the use in any way, shape or form. Just ask first, that's all. It's nice to know I'm listened to/heard.

Some of these have been here since I was just a wee teen lad. A few of them are newer and reflect more experience and style experimentation - you'll find the newer ones towards the top. These are select from a list of over 50 I've created and revised over the years. Since the site has been made more public, I had to limit the selection even further, but more are available to those who ask.

On Principle (Gotta Break Up)

I was trying out a more sing-song attitude, and when I picture this song being sung, I think of Sean Kingston and Akon. Relaxing tones and the right melody helps convey the helplessness of the pain.


Mainly testing out rhyming words that really only rhyme on a 50%-75% margin, as opposed to ending with the same three or four letters. Ah, the good 'ol dangers of self-inflexion/retrospection.

No Choir

This story, although choppy, is about purpose and progression. A sinful man using what he knows and the skills he has (singing, in this case) to heal an angel, to the point that God wanted her back - but his sins are so great that he still goes to which point the gravity and seriousness of the situation dawns on him...well, what does he do? Ask her to come with to hell? Pass up on her heaven? Heaven, people! Anyways, come to find out he himself is a discarded angel, who lost his memory, but remained unsaved. This explains where his gift is from, and the attraction between the two. As the final chorus bends (I fell in love with the idea of bending choruses at around this time), hopefully a video will show that healing her and accepting his fate in hell (since God has a Divine Plan), was exactly what he needed to cleanse himself, and be accepted into heaven, with her :)

You in my Life

Thank you Red Jumpsuit Apparatus for a tempo baseline. The timing of being introduced to that song plus a little emotional motivation made me put a few things together: being bilingual STILL isn't enough sometimes to find the right words, there need to be more songs about LIKE (before love) with its various distinctions, and reminding people that your habits and who you are will eventually attract certain people - why not be good and attract good towards you?

The Other Side of The Earth

In this song, the force of will acting as the motivation, strength, and grit is so strong it affects tempos, volumes, and even the track alignment. Just imagine it raining, and all you want to do is yell loud enough for the world to feel it. Not hear it - FEEL it.

Axis ^3 (Cubed)


Great Nation

Imagine That

Secreto (Spanish + Translation)

Dark Summit

Opposite of Never

Is That It?

It's All You


5 W's Am I

Stem Stone Simile

I do offer services to analyze lyrics. To ask for that, or restrictive rights or to review/purchase theses or other works, contact me at: