CLASS: Heavy Assault Mecha Soldier
CREW: One Ingral, storage compartment can hold one more scrunched Ingral.
*Head | 100 |
Shoulder Clusters (2) | 75 each |
Shoulder Shields (2) | 100 each |
Arm | 100 |
*Missle Compartments (3; in the right arm) | 30 each |
40mm Chaingun Arm | 100 |
Hand | 50 |
Legs (2) | 200 each |
**Main Body | 300 |
Space Pack (optional) | 100 |
1. 40MM CHAIN-GUN ARM: The left arm of the Detina boasts a six-barreled 40mm Machinegun that fires depleted uranium slugs. Despite the fact that the soldier lacks two opposable hands for manual work, many view this as a fair trade off.
RANGE: 4,800ft
MEGA-DAMAGE: 5d6 M.D. on a short burst, 1d6x10 M.D. on a long burst, 2d6x10 M.D. on a full melee burst.
RATE OF FIRE: 4 short bursts, 2 long bursts, or 1 full melee bursts.
PAYLOAD: 1,000 rounds. Enough ammo for 100 short bursts, 50 long bursts (2 short bursts), or 25 full melee bursts (4 short bursts).
NOTE: On a Nat 1 to strike the Chaingun suddenly jams in the middle of firing, causing the gun to explode, blowing the arm off, but doing no damage to the rest of the Detina.2. FOREARM MINI-MISSILE LAUNCHERS (3): In the forearm of the Detina's right arm, there are 3 concealed mini-missile launchers. These are box launchers that pop out of the top, left, and right at the very front of the forearm.
RANGE: Varies with mini-missile type.
MEGA-DAMAGE: Varies with mini-missle type.
RATE OF FIRE: 1-3 missiles per launcher.
PAYLOAD: Each compartment has 4 racks of 3 mini-missiles, for a total of 12 missiles per launcher, and 36 in all.3. SHOULDER MISSILES/ION CLUSTERS (2): Each shoulder has a shielded section that flips open to reveal a tri-barrel Ion Blaster and Short Range Missile Launcher. Due to the small size of the Detina only 4 Short Range Missiles can be carried in each launcher, and the Ion guns have a low output but high Bps (Blasts per second).
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-Personnel/Airfcraft
RANGE: Ion Guns have a 3,000ft range, missile range varies with missile type.
MEGA-DAMAGE: Ion burst does 3d6+3 M.D. per gun clusters, 6d6+6 M.D. on a dual cluster burst. Both Ion Guns can fire a high speed spray doing 4d6+3 M.D. to 1d6+1 targets or 1d4+1 extra hit-locations on larger mecha. Missile M.D. varies with missle type.
RATE OF FIRE: Ion Bursts equal to pilots combinded attacks per melee, 2 Ion Sprays per melee. Missiles can be fired one at a time or in volleys of 2, 4, 6, or 8.
PAYLOAD: Ion guns have a conditionally unlimited payload. Sprays put a heavy strain on the capacitor, only allowing 30 sprays to be made in a period of 1 hour. If that many sprays are made within that time period, then the Ion Guns are offlined for a 10 minute recharging period, recharging the energy for 1 spray every 10 minutes. Each launcher holds 4 Short Range Missiles for a total of 8.