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Rob Days Papers and Publications

Links on this page will eventually make all my work available on line for your viewing convenience.......

Rights and Responsibilities of Students and Teachers.

Microcosm Management Guide.

The Multiple Microhabitat Pond Microcosm Concept.

What is Science?

Who was Erasmus Darwin?

"The marine aquarium as an educational tool." Seascope Magazine, Vol. 10. Summer (1993). Published by Aquarium Systems Inc.

"Bringing undergraduate biology to life with model ecosystems and imaging technology ." Proceedings of The American Association of Zoos And Aquaria. New Orleans (1996).

"The "natural" aquarium as an Educational Tool." Freshwater and Marine Aquarium Magazine. February (1996). Published by R/C Modeler magazines

"The cell biology of the Bryopsidales." Seascope magazine. Vol. 13. Winter (1996). Published by Aquarium Systems Inc.

Proposal: The construction of multiple microcosm systems for use as teaching aids by the OSU Introductory Biology Program. (2000)

Proposal: Construction of an artificial wetland ecosystem to be used as an exhibit and educational aid at the Center of Science and Industry (COSI), Columbus, Ohio.(2003) (PDF)

Visual perception of small living organisms by students at The Ohio State University. (2000) Presented at OSU MSATERs conference.

What are we supposed to see? Visual perception of small aquatic animals by non-science majors and biology graduate students; comparisons, correlations and implications. (2001) Annual International Conference of the Association for the Education of Teachers of Science. Costa Mesa, CA, 2001.

"Development of Supplemental Instruction for Preservice K-8 Teachers Enrolled In a Non-Major Undergraduate Biology Class; A Golden Opportunity." Robert Day & Mike Beeth (2003) Annual International Conference of the Association for the Education of Teachers of Science. (PDF)

"Visual Cognition In Undergraduate Biology Labs; Can It Be Connected To Conceptual Change And Other Learning Theories?" Robert Day (2003) Annual International Conference of the Association for the Education of Teachers of Science. (PDF)

"Visual Cognition In Undergraduate Biology Labs; Can It Be Connected To Conceptual Change?" Robert Day (2004) National Association of Researchers of Science Teaching (NARST) Vancouver BC, 2004 (PDF) This is essentially an improved version of the 2003 paper.

A power point presentation that summarizes the 2004 NARST paper above.

"Science Fiction Movies As A Tool For Revealing Students? Knowledge And Alternative Conceptions" Rob Day, Sevinc Ongel-Erda, Duygu Sonmez (2004) National Association of Researchers of Science Teaching (NARST) Vancouver BC, 2004 (PDF)

A lesson plan involving imovie. (PDF)

"The Ohio Department Of Education L10h23 “Critical Analysis Of Evolution”; Innovative Lesson Plan Or Stealthy Advocacy Tool?" Robert Day (2006) National Association of Researchers of Science Teaching (NARST), San Francisco CA, 2006. (PDF)

" A power point presentation on literacy, visual cognition and biology education presented at a graduate seminar, September 2006.

So what do you think? If you agree or disagree with any of my ramblings, please proceed to Rob Day's home page and click on the "email" button to send me feedback or suggestions.