Real exciting stuff about ME!

This is what I look like when it's 6 am, I'm hungover and someone wakes me up. I advise you, as I advised her, *NEVER* to wake me up that early in the morning, no matter if I'm hungover or not. As you can tell it's not a pretty sight. I don't appreciate waking up to a flash in my eyes, especially if I've been seeing spots already all night...

My name is Jamie Lynn Prata. I think this is the best way for everyone to get to know me. Anything else you want to know, email me and ask.

These are some of the many, many bands that I love....
Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

Cherry Poppin' Daddies


Brian Setzer Orchestra

The Bourbonaires

Pink Floyd

Bouncing Souls

The Cramps

The Racketeers

Stray Cats

Psycho 9

Operation Ivy

Frank Sinatra



The Pietasters

Boss Fuel

The Beatles

Barenaked Ladies


Groove Relativity


Me and Jeremy, a wicked cool punk rockin' band from Albany, NY!

Clowns for Progress

And here's some other random info about lil' ol' me...
Name: Jamie Lynn :)

Nickname(s): Lil' Devil; Sevens

AOL Screename: ScorpOreo

Sex: female

Age: 18

Location: East Providence, Rhode Island

Gender: chick

Height: 5'0"...i'm a shortie

Hair Color: golden blonde

Eye Color: greyish blue.

Pets: my bunny wabbit pepper(oni)


Food: cereal...KFC...original cream...chocolate hee hee!

Song: as of right now: "out the door" by the amazing crowns. "grandpaw" by the raging teens. "walk my baby home" by the racketeers. "devil drives a buick" by the speed devils. "town without pity" by gene pitney and/or brian setzer. "streetlights" by clowns for progress. yeah.

Sunday Shows: that 70s show, the simpsons, family guy...

Monday Shows: umm...????????

Tuesday Shows: real world, buffy and felicity....who the hell did she go with anyway??

Wednesday Shows: dawson, charmed, law and order at 3's on every day at 3 am but this is when i usually watch it...

Thursday Shows: um...i usually go to shows thursday nights....does that count?

Friday Shows: i hardly ever watch tv on friday nites, but if i do, friday night on nbc.

Saturday Shows: can't think of any... i don't usually watch tele on saturday nites.

Daily Shows: law and order. simpsons. i get mad if i miss an episode, even tho i've seen them all a million times.

Types of Movies: movies that are good. yeah.

School Subject: smokin' in the bathroom...and chorus was fun.

Season: spring or fall... i like it when it's not too hot and not too cold.

Ride at Disneyland: i haven't been there in years... but i'd have to go with space mountain. (thanks dezzy hehe!)

Sport: baseball/softball

Were you named after anyone? no sir.

Middle name: lynn, i guess you could say...jamie lynn is my full first name tho.

Shoe size: in between 5-6.

Siblings: roger. jack. jason. david. chrissy. mandy. and i guess you could count little david and andrew too.

What time is it right now: 7:21 pm

Last CD you bought: umm...the pills

Last movie you rented: the breakfast club, stepmom, 54, the craft.

Favorite school subject: i don't really like skool subjects. or skool, period.

Do you actually like math? um..well, like it, no. good at it, yes.

Who's your BEST friend(s)? they're all cool. yo.

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? of course i have a crush. if i don't have a crush at any given time, shoot me, there's something wrong.

What's his/her name? can we say "multiple"? hehee...ummm...well matt...and pizza boy kinda. and that "J" know...the drummer there...i refuse to say his name, god forbid he (or a friend of his, or worse, his girlfriend) reads this.

Favorite store: in your ear. tom's tracks (cuz they have free flats and i always walk out with like 6 of them.). shades plus, even tho they're never open. there's some rad stores on mass ave too.

Favorite fashion designer(s): umm...i don't know nor care who makes my clothes. i just wear 'em.

What do you look for in a friend? uh, people who are nice. and are willing to drive you to long island to see a certain band...

What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend? personality. greased up pomps. or brown-dyed-platinum blonde spiky hair. tattoos. personality. clothes. i'm picky now, but i never used to be.

Do you do any drugs? just a little heroin once in awhile. and i'm fully kidding.

How many people are on your buddy list? 94. i just had to delete a bunch of people so i could fit new ones. and there's only 9 on now. grr.

Are you on any sports teams? not anymore. i miss softball tho :(

What's your favorite place to vacation? i haven't been on vaca in like a year. but i guess chicago/wisconsin-ish. cuz there's my sis, and my bro, and my nephew, and hot guys. haha.

If you are a girl, what makeup do you wear every day? neutrogena foundation, cornsilk powder, some generic blush, purple-y eyeshadows, jane brown eyebrow pencil, wet n' wild black eyeliner on the bottom, and maybelline liquid eyeliner on the top, some kind of mascara, wet n' wild lipliner # 665, and some cheap - o but good red lipstick. i know it sounds like a lot but it only takes me like point three seconds to do my makeup.

worst feeling in the world: losing a loved one/friend. getting dumped. breaking a bone (believe me, i've broken so many, i may have set a record.).

person you hate the most: umm...i try not to hate anyone. there's people i don't like that chick that lives in chi-town...and that fucker that lives in boston...and that little whore who tried to steal my (now ex) bf away...i won't name any names but they know who they are.

What do you think of:

Abortion: pro-choice.

Teenage smoking: whatever. i smoke. most of my friends do. some don't. whatever.

eating disorders: they suck. especially when you're drunk watching your friend puke not because she's too drunk, but because she's shoving her finger down her throat because "she ate too much".

Rap: i dunno. i used to be a homie in grade school. i don't hate it now, but i can only tolerate it for so long.

Marilyn Manson: i used to like him a lot. had the shirts (which are now rags to wash the car), and the tapes (which have been dubbed over with real music), the posters (which i flipped over and drew all over and re-hung up) much stuff. again, i don't hate him now but there's only so much of him i can tolerate.

Boy bands: new ones suck. seriously, i don't know one from the other and i plan to keep it that way. but NKOTB will always have a place in the back of my mind. if you weren't in love with them in 4th grade, you were weird.

Spice Girls: i hate them as people, but i like some of their songs. does that make sense? if not, i don't care. it does to me.

Premarital sex: i so totally plead the 5th on this one. it's my survey, i can do whatever i want!

Titanic (the movie): i liked it. i own it. i don't watch it that much anymore but i used to watch it incessantly.

Jerry Springer: he was stupid when there was no fights, and he's even stupider now that there are fights. the guests just like it because the can beat the fuck out of each other repeatedly without getting arrested.

Rape: bad bad bad!

Suicide: bad. personal experience says so.

South Park: south park junkie here.

Korn: another one i liked when they first came out...haven't bought any of their new stuff, but i don't change it if they come on the radio (usually anyway).

When You Hear This Name, What Do You Think Of (I.e., athletic, popular, pretty.)

Summer: flower child. dirty hippie. slut (used to know someone by that name...)

Ryan: brass monkey!

Amanda: goth.

Justin: pinstripe suits and dandruff and coffee.

Tiffany: "i think we're alone now..."

Paul: subway.

Abby: freckles.

Steph: j-lo.

Brian: football

Jenna: valley girl.

Phil: fear factory.

Vinny: one word: lawnmower.

More Random Questions

Did you dress up on Halloween: in a sense...

What were you? a walt's roast beef employee (duh...i was at work)!

What CD(s) is in your CD player right now? in my room, the speed devils, the pills and the racketeers. in my computer one it's the raging teens. on my turntable it's this killer swing record. on the 8 track (yeah i still have one, and i love it - anyone has any 8 tracks they don't use anymore, send 'em my way!) it's gene pitney. and in the tape deck in my room it's aerosmith and my mom's friend's rockabilly band, and in the tape deck in my car right now is um...the crowns and the racketeers.

Do you have a job? fuck. no. i need one.

What college do you go to or want to go to? somewhere that i can learn to be tom, in a nutshell.

Have you ever been out of the country? no sir.

Where? nope.

What is your religion? i think i'm catholic.

Have you ever met any celebrities? i've met tons of baseball players...i smoked a butt with nate, the bosstones' guitarist... and i know a lot of guys from the local bands n' stuff.

If yes, who? i should really read ahead.

If not, who would you like to meet? i wanna meet johnny. then maybe i'll get over this emotional attachment that makes tears come to my eyes every time i see him.

Do you go to a private or public school? i don't GO to skool. period. stop asking me that.

What is your favorite day of the week? thursday, i think, cuz there's lotsa good shows on thursdays.

Do you go to summer camp? i went to day camp at the park across the street until i was too old to fit in the picnic benches anymore. i miss knock - hockey and gimp.

If so, where? did i not just say at the park across the street?!? Glenloyn, to be specific.

What's something you do that pisses off your friends? heh...driving like a maniac, getting so drunk that i can't even remember my name, and some of my friends get mad that i spend all my money on going to shows and film...i can't help it, i'm a photographer. deal.

What is your favorite music video? umm, i loooooove CFP's video, for "Inundated Man". and i like RBF's video for "Take On Me". and the Crowns' vid for "Devil". and Cake's video for "I Will Survive". and the rev. horton heat's vid for "Psychobilly Freakout". and you notice, you will find none of these videos on MTV (not that i've ever seen) which is because other than the real world and sifl and olly (rip), i vote a big fat NO on MTV. you can see all these vids on

What's your favorite magazine? i guess rolling stone, spin sometimes, guitar mags and those silly teen ones like seventeen and YM an' stuff, sometimes i buy them cuz i need good reading material when i'm bored.

Favorite holiday? the ones were people buy me stuff.

Do you have any stuffed animals? i used to have millions of them on my bed, now they're all in the basement 'cept my Pooh and my Tigger.


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