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Family History Library Catalogue

All kinds of records with genealogical value have been microfilmed. For instance, in any FHC one can
look up California or any place and see exactly what kinds of records have been microfilmed from there.
Records such as birth, marriage, church, probate, land, military, bibles , newspapers and many others
will be listed. One does not have to be in that place to see those records since they can be ordered
from Salt Lake City's Family History Library as a temporary rental to use in the FHC for a small
shipping fee of $3.25. They will be kept at that FHC for about 7 weeks where one views the film or
fiche on a special reader. All rentals are renewable if necessary. Countries that have allowed the LDS
church to come in and microfilm are accessible as easily at the same FHC. One can look up Germany,
Hungary, Italy, France, United Kingdom, etc., records. The information needed to order these records
are accessible on microfiche and CD-ROM's located in the FHC and at the Family Search Web Site.
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Author ~ Title
Lists the Family History Library's 'Paper' collection available in books, manuscripts, magazines, maps,
  gazetteers, etc., donated to the library or purchased by the library. One search by author or title to
  check on what is available. This kind of search will provide one with a call number and a film or fiche
  number if it is not protected by copyright. Whenever there is a film or fiche number, one orders it
  through the FHC. Many individuals over the years have contributed millions of pages of the histories
  of their ancestor. Guides to do research anywhere along with millions of public records that are in
  book form are in this collection.
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  Listing in forms by surname is a great way to locate anything that may be available by the last name
  one is researching. Any place a last name appears generates an entry into this section. Many times
  one can locate one's own family due to the other names in the same genealogy. Pedigree charts and
  family group sheets of old are also available on film in this special collection.
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  A unique way to look up what is available by subject. If one wanted to look up what was available
  "Mayflower Descendants" under "Indians" or "Passenger ships". Anything, regardless of form would
  be listed here. Sometimes, one finds things here that may not be found any other way!
Please note that "some parts" on this page were adapted from one written by Terry Morgan, copyright©1996, 1st
published by Journal of Online Genealogy. Used with permission.
Follow the link to learn more about the next available indexes at the FHC which are the
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