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Faramir FanFiction Archive

"Suddenly Faramir stirred, and he opened his eyes, and he looked on Aragorn who bent over him; and a light of knowledge and love was kindled in his eyes, and he spoke softly. 'My lord, you called me. I come. What does the king command?"
[from: Return of the King; The houses of Healing]



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Grief with Mithrandir
While Minas Tirith celebrates, Gandalf, Aragorn, and Legolas find a drunk Faramir sitting precariously on the tower.
Warning: Spanking

Elf, Wasps and an Angry Wizard
This is a sequel to ‘Grief’. For Faramir it is the day after. Also where you find out exactly what Legolas did to end up over Gandalf’s lap.
Warning: Spanking

Elves, Orcs and the Road to Recovery
This is number six in the series that started with 'Grief', 'Elf, Wasps and an Angry Wizard', 'Stubborn Stewards and Bright Red Paddles', 'Human King, Elven King & One Stubborn Steward' and 'Sweet Revenge or Let Licking Dogs Lie'.
Warning: Spanking
Chapters 1-6 · 7-12 · 13-18 · 19-24

Human King, Elven King and one Stubborn Steward
Faramir and Legolas travel to Mirkwood and meet the Elven King. This is number four in the series that started with ‘Grief’, ‘Elf, Wasps and an Angry Wizard’ and ‘Stubborn Stewards and a Bright Red Paddle’.
Warning: Spanking

Stubborn Stewards and Bright Red Paddles with Aragorn
Faramir is about to be reacquainted with the Red Paddle. This is number three in the series that started with ‘Grief’ and ‘Elf, Wasps and an Angry Wizard’.
Warning: Spanking

Sweet Revenge or Let Licking Dogs Lie
This is number five in the series that started with 'Grief', 'Elf, Wasps and an Angry Wizard', 'Stubborn Stewards and Bright Red Paddles' and 'Human King, Elven King & One Stubborn Steward'.
Warning: Spanking

Pippin’s No So Sweet Predicament with Pippin
Pippin = Mischief
Warning: Spanking

War of the Wizards WIP
This is number seven in the series that started with 'Grief', 'Elf, Wasps and an Angry Wizard', 'Stubborn Stewards and Bright Red Paddles', 'Human King, Elven King & One Stubborn Steward', 'Sweet Revenge or Let Licking Dogs Lie' and 'Elves, Orcs and the Road to Recovery'
Warning: Spanking