you are an artist or author and would like to submit your work, please
click here for details.
If you want to provide feedback on one of the stories archived
here, please get in touch with the author directly. E-mail addresses
are provided on the archive pages, or if you're redirected to the author's
own page, try finding an address there.
If you have any website related feedback like something to
add (say a link to your site, or submit a challenge), something's not
working, or even if feel like telling us we're sick perverts and we
should leave the poor chap alone, don't hesitate – write to us
at faramirfiction@gmail.com,
or use the feedback form below.
If you'd like to talk about what a fabulous character
Faramir is, how unfair it is that he's so unappreciated, and discuss
fanfiction with other fans, of course you're welcome to write to us,
but we also encourage you to join the Faramir
SlashFics group.