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Beatles's Bed and Breakfast Mini Museum



living room

Bed & Breakfast has a Beatles Mini-Museum. The room where George Harrison slept (on their visit here in 1963) is now the Beatles Mini-Museum.

In the 1960's the same room was used by Lou Harrison, George's sister, as her office and radio station where she answered thousands of letters and spoke to fans daily with information on "The Beatles."

Gracious fans from coast to coast and Mexico have donated or loaned some or part of their Beatles collections to the museum. Beatles memorabilia is also displayed throughout the first floor of the Bed and Breakfast.

It has been said by several "Beatles" collectors that the house at 113 McCann St. in Benton, IL is the largest piece of Beatle memorabilia. The house is already slated for a plaque as a national historical site.

The Bed and Breakfast has acquired an adjacent house which will be used exclusively as a permanent 'Beatles Museum.' To our knowledge, it will be the only True Beatles Museum on North and South America.

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