Site's log
- 5/May/05: Since I'll be heading for the army in a week and cancelling my Otenet account, I've moved my page to a free account in
- 22/May/04: Added John Barber's and Ted Slampyak's versions of Rikk oberf in my 'Many Faces' page.
- 1/Apr/04: Added Brian Daniel's and Joe Zabel's versions of Rikk Oberf in my 'Many Faces' page.
- 19/Feb/04: Reorganized a bit my Tolkien page, to make its contents a bit more tidy... And updated my 'Furry Tales' page to include Nick and Ki from General Protection Fault.
- 3/Jan/04: In the Tolkien section I added a page with how I would have wanted to have seen the Scouring of the Shire transferred to the big screen.
- 24/Oct/03: Well, it's my birthday today, and I decided to update... First of all I added "Moria", a new Tolkien-inspired piece of work... This one, however, is not a story, but rather a small fan-made "hold" for the puzzle game Deadly Rooms of Death, which I've played and enjoyed... I've also added Erin Zerbe's version of Chelsea in the "Many Faces" page, as well as the human and furry version of Danielle Kindle, in the "Furry Tales" page.
- 23/Sep/03: Updated again the Semme Files Page.
- 27/Aug/03: Updated the Semme Files Page.
- 10/Aug/03: Added a new fanfic, my first Hikaru no Go fic! Woo! Go to the My Own Stories page, or directly to the story, Dreams of the Kisei. Also added Mariza Campos' version of Walkerton in the Many Faces page.
- 1/Aug/03: A recent guest-artist week over at PVP means that my Many Faces page is updated with depiction of Jade
Fontaine by the artists Maritza Campos, Aaron Players, Tom Martin and Derrick
- 25/Jul/03: Hey, I now have a livejournal of my own! Yippee.
I've also updated the "Semme Files" page, added Joe England's Chelsea to the Many Faces page,
put a new (coloured) pic of Jason Waltrip's Rikk there, and changed the banner for Sea of Insanity in the page..
- 5/Jul/03: Corrected a misattribution in the Many Faces Page. Added pictures and people in the Semme Files page. Added a tidbit of timeline info in the Gargoyles page.
- 17/May/03: Added a link for the site of my friend, Stavroula.
- 22/Apr/03: Added David Willis' version of April.
- 20/Apr/03: In the Many Faces page I added David Willis' version of Rikk Oberf and Jason Waltrip's version of Walky!
- 17/Apr/03: Updated the Semme Files page, especially the pics! Corrected some links. Added the portrait of Hard in the Online Comics page. Changed the 'Once Upon a Time' page, so that it stopped saying that the story was incomplete.
- 6/Mar/03: After a three months' absence back to the game! In the Many Faces page, I've added Aric Campling's version of Baughb the Elf, and of Zoe Carter Day. In the Links page, I've added several new sites (related to Tolkien and Harry Potter), and several pretty buttons as well! :-)
- 2/Dec/02: In the Many Faces page, I've added Bill Maus' version of Rikk, and Maritza Campos' version of Ceilidh.
- 7/Nov/02: Woohoo! After the problems with my computer were solved, I'm back here again with a big update! In the newly filled Harry Potter page I've added my first HP fic, "Reticent Confessions", a
story set in the fanfic universe of Barbara Purdom. Also, I've added a couple more quizzes results.
- 4/Oct/02: Linked an entire new page, "Descriptions", about those fun little weird personality quizzes you've all seen. Also I've made a long needed update to the Semme Files. In the Many Faces page, I've added Jessica Idres' version of Chelsea, and Bill Maus' version of April! And finally I've sadly removed all of Yonaka's pics at her request. :-(
- 18/Sep/02: Removed Elf Life (too sporadic updates) from the Links page and added in its place "Sea of Insanity", a tale of life, loss and Greek mythology! Beautifully told and drawn, everyone go visit it!
- 12/Sep/02: Hmm... let's see. David Willis' version of Ceilidh added in the Many Faces page. Made some updates to the Semme Files. Updated the pic of Dave Kelly in the gallery... And that's it, at least till tomorrow...
- 22/Aug/02: After a month's hiatus I've made some new updates. Added three characters of the 'Newshounds' cast (and their human versions) in the Furry Tales page. Also added Joe England's version of Chelsea in the Many Faces page.
- 16/Jul/02: Added Josh Phillips' version of Walkerton, in the Many Faces page.
- 10/Jul/02: Big update. Added Rachel Dukes and John Troutman to the gallery of comic artists. In the Many Faces page, I added Damonk's version of Ceilidh MacFarlane, Rachel Duke's version of Chelsea Chattan and Haley and Sylvan Migdal's version of Chelsea Chattan and Rikk Oberf. In the Furry Tales page I've added Sara Seville, character of "The Class Menagerie".
- 6/Jul/02: Added "The Class Menagerie" characters Kim, Michelle and Denise to the Furry Tales page. Also added Jade from "PVP" in the Many Faces page, and made minor changes to it.
- 5/Jul/02: Minor update to the Gargoyles timeline. Added Alan Foreman to the web cartoonists' gallery.
- 27/Jun/02: Major update! In the Online
Comics section I've added an entire new page: Furry Tales with
images of the alternate human versions of furry characters (and vice versa) and a list of
relevant comics. Also added a new link for Adrian Chung's review of my game 'Voices'. Minor update to "The Semme Files" page.
- 10/Jun/02: Major update! Added Tim Broderick, Daniel Milford-Cottam, Michael Zacher and Gabriel Fua to the gallery. Also added Daniel's versions of April, Chelsea and Liz. More importantly I've used Javascript to make the Many Faces page interactive. Lastly I've added *four* new characters: Kel from "Rogues of Clwyd-Rhan", Haley from "Road Waffles", Zoe Day from "When I Grow Up", and Joe from "Joe Average".
- 26/May/02: Added Katrin Salyers and Kathryn White to the gallery, as well as Yonaka's version of Walky...
- 18/May/02: In the Online Comics section I've added
Josh Mirman, as well as his version of April, and Tim Broderick's version of Chelsea. Also added Eight, and his version of Ceilidh.
- 12/May/02: Added Jason Waltrip's version of Baughb.
- 11/May/02: Big update to The Many Faces
page, as I've added a reference (using Javascript) for the interpretations there. Also
added Mike Rosenzweig's and Dave Kelly's versions of April, Rosenzweig's and Brad Guigar's
versions of Chelsea, and Chris Crosby's version of Alice. Lastly, portraits of
Joey Hetzel and Kaichi Satake added to the main Comics page.
- 06/May/02: Minor change in the background and minor corrections
in the CSS.
- 05/May/02: Added Albert Temple, Ian McDonald and Howard Tayler to the gallery of artists. Tidied up the main Gargoyles page a bit. Lastly, I've finally transformed my pages into XHTML, and validated them.
- 03/May/02: Broke up the Online Comics page, sending The Many Faces to its own page... Also added the portraits of Joe England and Aric
S. Campling, as well as two Aprils (by Vince Suzukawa and Michael Zacher),
two Ceilidhs (by Nicholas Yu and Michael Zacher), Chelsea by Aric
Campling. Last but not least, a new character: Warren from Absurd
- 02/May/02: Another important update as I add The Semme Files page (connected to the 'It's Walky' comic) in the Online Comics section.
- 01/May/02: Continued redesign with red color for "hover" links, and making consistest the link bars of many pages... Also in the Online Comics page I've added the pic of Reinder Dijkhuis as well as Joe England's version of Alice, David McGuire's version of Walkerton, and Aric Campling's version of Gav.
- 29/Apr/02: Big changes all around! A long desired redesign
of the whole site, with (most obviously) a different background and color
scheme and several other smaller differences throughout - the
redesign's not complete yet, but this is a big step... Also in the Online
Comics page I've added pics of
Ian J. and Dave Kelly, and Bill Redfern's version of Gav.
- 25/Apr/02: Online Comics page update: Added Gav from Nukees
and Dave Kelly's version of Baughb - also added David Simpson, Dave McGuire
and Vince Suzukawa to the list of portraits...
- 20/Apr/02: Why am I updating my page when I have university
assignments to do? One of them mysteries of life, I guess! Anyway, yet
another big update in the Online Comics
page! Added a gallery of self-portraits of many artists - also added pics of
Cool Cat Studio's Liz, Andrew Revell's version of Rikk, and pics of Walkerton and Chelsea
by Curtis Berry.
- 18/Apr/02: A couple more pics of April and Baughb the Elf...
- 14/Apr/02: Added two Aprils and a Chelsea in the Online Comics' page.
- 12/Apr/02: Tidied up and broke into several pages the formerly
*huge* single Babylon 5 page. Use of CSS styles is fast approaching the
desired maximum possible. Corrected bug in stylesheets. Added Yu's April to
the Online Comics' page and a couple small
timeline bits/corrections to the Gargoyles
- 3/Apr/02: Major update! Even more extensive use of
stylesheets - hopefully my site is still viewable under most browsers. :-)
Added much timeline info to the Gargoyles page.
Added Baughb the Elf from 'Elflife' to the Online
Comics page and made uniform the size of other pics.
- 24/Mar/02: Yet another update to the online comics
page! Francis from 'PVP', Ceilidh from 'Avalon', and
Walkerton from 'It's Walky!'.
- 22/Mar/02: Updated again the online comics
page. More pics of Alice, some restructuring, and finally more extensive
and effective use of CCS both there and in the gargoyles
- 18/Mar/02: Major update! Added quite a bit of
content to my online comics
page - about the different styles of characters due to passing of time or
different artists.
- 10/Mar/02: Added verses for the online comics
and the Harry Potter pages and added the appropriate
- 02/Mar/02: Major update! I'm preparing to add two entire
new sections - one about Harry Potter
(completely empty right now) and
another about online comics, (a couple things
added). Also added a link to another review for Voices
(which by the way got nominated for Best Story in the XyzzyAwards
'2001. Woo! :-). Updated my links page, cleaning
up many broken links and adding a link to the online comic Fans!.
- 13/Jan/02: Added some timeline
info about the Canmore family... Removed Zwol
from my favourite comics list. Corrected a
bad link or two.
- 15/Oct/01: Made a cool new addition to my comic links: starting today
that page will be mirroring the daily strip Bruno
-- go visit it! And as you may have already noticed I
shortened a bit the introduction in this very page.
- 13/Aug/01: Major design changes in the Gargoyle Clans page! Even more pics
added for several clans. Yay!! ;-)
- 9/Aug/01: Made corrections, updates, additions and
added more pics in the Gargoyle Clans
page, as well as an acknowledgement
for the pics' source.
- 4/Aug/01: Major update! Added a
page, describing in full the fourteen Gargoyle
Clans which will eventually form the Gargoyle Nation.
Minor rearranging of the comic
- 14/Jul/01: A minor update in several dates of the Gargoyles Timeline. And
a minor change in note 13
of the Gargoyles Bible...
- 21/Jun/01: Another major update.
Added my PrologueComp entry "Compulsion" at the
Interactive Fiction
and My Own Writings
pages. Also added an entire new section in the Links page, concerning online
comics. Finally, the Gargoyles 2198
contest is over at last, all the blanks filled!
- 9/Jun/01: Major update.
Finally, finally, I added my first Gargoyles
fanfic: "Names and
Forms". You can find it at both my
Gargoyles and My Own Writings page.
- 7/Jun/01: Made a minor correction with the
- 3/Jun/01: Major update: Added the parody "The West Under the Window"
in my Tolkien and My Own Writings pages. Also added
and updated some links.
- 04/May/01: Added the 2nd release of 'Voices'
in the Interactive Fiction
and the My Own Writings pages.
- 24/Mar/01: Significant update to the Gargoyles timeline.
Updated the Gargoyles 2198 page.
- 28/Feb/01: BIG UPDATE!!
Added my new Interactive Fiction
work: 'Voices'. Check it out at My own Writings! Added pages for the
commentary (by others) for both this and my previous work.
Finally I added the page of my friend, Stavroula,
to the Links page.
- 14/Feb/01: A very minor update (but be prepared
for a much larger one!). For now there's just an update
to the Gargoyles 2198 page (down
to three blanks!) and to the Gargoyles timeline.
- 31/Dec/00: Small addition to the Gargoyles timeline.
Minor changes in the titles of each page...
- 17/Dec/00: Made a minor correction in all the
pages for Netscape compatibility. Fixed up a link.
- 26/Nov/00: Major update in the Gargoyles pages. Added the story "Once upon a time there were
three brothers", and modified the gargoyles
pages so that they all link to each other. Added a few
more Tolkien links.
- 18/Nov/00: Started forming a sketchy Tolkien page. Started using a
small graphic before the name of each story in My Own Writings. Updated the Gargoyles 2198 page: 5 blanks left.
- 9/Nov/00: Added the alliterative poem Narn Hathaldir ah Aerlin (which I
wrote several years ago) in My Own
Writings! Made the table of the homepage visible and
started using an "updated" gif.
- 3/Nov/00: Made corrections and additions to the Gargoyles timeline,
using commentary by Greg himself! Also made a small
correction (concerning Elisa's ancestry) to the Gargoyles Bible commentary, and
updated again the Gargoyles 2198
page: only 10 spaces left.
- 2/Nov/00: Updated the Gargoyles
2198 page: Only 13 spaces left. Finally changed the
graphic for the Tolkien page -
I disliked the earlier one.
- 31/Oct/00: Halloween (a special holiday for all
Gargoyles fans :-) and another respectable-sized update.
Greatly altered the Home page as you can see below.
Changed the verses for the Gargoyles
page. Last, I updated the Gargoyles
2198 contest page. Only 25 blank spaces to go.
- 26/Oct/00: Somewhat large update. Added the entire
Gargoyles 2198 page. Go read it,
George! :-) Corresponding changes in the main Gargoyles page and additions to
the timeline. In My Own Writings
I used GIFs to indicate the "chapter" each
story corresponds to. Added "Back" links to my Interactive Fiction reviews. A
small remark added to Note 14
of the Gargoyles Bible.
- 19/Oct/00: Some more changes to the Gargoyles page, so as to make it
consistent with the new info for G2198. Discovered
transparency with GIFs and made ultra-minor changes in a
couple of graphics.
- 25/Aug/00: Site broke the 1000 hits barrier. What
d'ya know... Minor changes to the Gargoyles
page including new info gained from 'Ask Greg'.
- 6/Aug/00: Corrected some 'leftmargin' and 'style'
thingies, which prevented this site from being correctly
viewed with Netscape Navigator. Hopefully, it's okay now...
- 20/Jul/00: Added the background you see, on a
trial basis. Also added a couple more IF links and made a few additions to
the Isaac Asimov page.
- 9/Jul/00: A somewhat longer delay but I'm here
again. In the IF page, I added
a review for 'Dangerous Curves'
by Irene Callaci.
- 23/May/00: I'm on a roll here! Added the whole Interactive Fiction page, and
inside it my review for "Worlds
Apart". Have also fixed a mistake which would
prevent someone from downloading the executable version
of "A Dino's Night Out". Started using a "New"
- 21/May/00: Another major update. In My Own Writings I placed my parody
of "In the House of Tom
Bombadil" (part of the Tolkien Newsgroups E-text
project), as well as a glulx version of "A Dino's
Night Out". I have also added a number of links, including one to the E-text
project, three Interactive Fiction ones, and one for my
friend, Valkyrja the Guardian...
- 14/May/00: Okay, major changes around. Most
importanly in My Own Writings I
added my first game of interactive fiction "A Dino's
Night Out". Check it out! I also renamed again my
story-to-be-written. I have also added many links including pages of friends (and
my brother), as well as sites concerning Tolkien and
Interactive Fiction.
- 16/Feb/00: I'm making this small revision for no
real purpose other than a reminder to myself not to
abandon it. :-) Small additions to the Gargoyles Bible (comments 1 and
11). Changed the title of my still not written story to be. :-)
- 21/Jul/99: I delayed this small update because I
was hoping to have my story ready for it. Hopefully it
will be ready for the next update. Anyway... Added some
historical tidbits in the Gargoyles
timeline. Extremely minor stylistic change in the Site's Log and the Gargoyles Bible. Added two verses
for the Links and added the
necessary acknowledgement.
Finally changed once again the title of my first fanfic.
It will most probably not be the last such change either.
And changed the order of the last three links in my home
- 6/Jul/99: Very minor changes. Removed an outdated
link in Acknowledgements. Fixed
up a Links problem. Changed the
coloration of 'Not yet contructed' from green to red. And
today I'll be restarting to work on my story in earnest
- 4/Jul/99: Finished up (to my present satisfaction)
the commentary on the Gargoyles
Bible page.
- 1/Jul/99: Exams are finally over. I added the Gargoyles Bible for Season One in
its own page, and made the required changes in the Gargoyles section. Go check it
out! Very minor changes in the Acknowledgements
- 10/Jun/99: The Site's Log
page is created. Very minor changes in the timeline of
the Gargoyles section.
- 19/May/99: I opened the section My own writings with the first
preview for an upcoming story. I also created a new page:
Links where I gathered the
various external links from all my pages, and I adjusted
the remaining pages likewise.
Email me at:
Last updated: 22 May 2004