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By Jennifer Edlund



Why do you treat me so cold?

You have so many secrets inside still left untold.

First you want me then you don't...

If you think I am going to put up with this well guess what I won't.

I just wish you would tell me what you’re thinking...

As long as you don't, my heart will keep sinking.

You have not told me that you love me

You have not told me that you care...

Do you think I'll just figure it out one day without any despair?

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only girl you've treated this way

or have all your relationships ended in dismay?

I try so hard to make you want me more...

But nothing seems to work and I feel more heart sore.

So I will tell you now...

I have given up.

I will never tell you I love you

I will never tell you I care...

Until something changes my feelings for you will be spared.

How can you kiss me if you feel nothing for me?

You must only have this wanting or an empowering need.

It's not about my brains, or my heart.

It's all about looking down my shirt and calling me "sweet-tart".

I wish for the day your feelings will be real.

I wish for you to say you love me...

I wish for you to say you care...

I just wish for you to answer my one true prayer.

I will not be waiting around for you forever so I blow you a kiss

and send you my last wish...

That may you be happy and one day find true eternal bliss.


About this Poem

This poem is about my ex-boyfriend. He was always so secretive and he never talked to me. It was like I was suppose to know everything that was going on in our "so-called" relationship without him even giving me one clue. (Great buys for used books)
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