The Nanny Diaries
 Book of the week

The Nanny Diaries
-Emma McLaughlin, Nicola Kraus


Based on the real-life experiences, the inside story on the real lives of the rich and privileged from the women who know all the secrets - the nannies.

The Nanny Diaries deftly skewers the manner in which America's over-privileged raises les petites - as if grooming them for a Best of Show competition. A poignant satire, it punctures the glamor of Manhattan's upper class to tackle head-on the truer state of backstairs Park Avenue.

Struggling to graduate from NYU and afford her microscopic apartment, Nanny takes a job caring for the only son of the wealthy X family. She rapidly learns the insane amount of juggling involved in ensuring that a Park Avenue wife who doesn't work, cook, clean, or raise her own child has a smooth day.

When the X's marriage begins to disintegrate, Nanny's nearly impossible mission becomes maintaining the mental health of their four-year-old, her own integrity, and most importantly, her sense of humor. Over nine tense months Mrs X and Nanny perform the age old dance of decorum and power as they test the limits of modern-day servitude.

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Ok I'm not going to say to many horrible things about this book because I know alot of you like it. I just thought it stunk. First of all they didnt need to use the "f" word as many times as they did in the book. That was uncalled for totally. Last it was just plain boring to me from page 1 to finish. I just didn't get it. Maybe it is written for older readers. I don't really know. Anyway I didnt even think this novel was a bit funny. Though it wasnt a book I wanted to throw against the wall, I couldnt wait to be done with this book. (Great buys for used books)
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