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Helping Hedgehogs

Hedgehog Hazards (4)

Bread and milk - should not be given to hedgehogs. If you wish to feed hedgehogs in your garden, then you should use cat or dog food (not fish varieties) and always provide a bowl of clean water.
There are now tins of food made specially for hedgehogs, check out your local stores to see if they stock any.

Traps set for other animals can quite often catch a hedgehog, resulting in loss of limb or life.

Human cruelty - still goes on despite the Wild Mammals (Protection) Bill 1996. Under the Bill, it is an offence to “mutilate, kick, beat, nail or otherwise impale, stab, burn, stone, crush, drown, drag or asphyxiate” any wild mammal. Click picture for a true story.

Tins of paint, oil cans and other similar products should be stored with their lids on or covered up to prevent accidents. Hedgehogs are inquisitive creatures and will explore everything!