
Released Aug 16, 1994

High Level Review

Ostensibly the first "posthumous" album (Prince is dead), the art is dominated by death imagery, but the lyrics focus on a spritual rebirth theme. While short in length, the music is as varied as most Prince albums, from the minimalist Solo to the techno Loose! to the driving funk workout of Pheremone. Prince's musical theme is variety.


The central theme of this album is stated as "This is the Dawning of a new Spiritual Revolution." In it, Prince uses sex as a metaphor for enticing his woman to Come... perhaps to physical pleasure, or perhaps to something deeper. Most songs are about the trials of love, but some are reflections upon other trials of life. It is a journey that ends in a "song" entitled Orgasm.



Prince is dead, he can't tour.

The Critics

Most critics seem to find this a middle-of-the-road Prince album.


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