
Cheryl and I woke up around 10:15 when LKK called. We decided to meet at the Monte Carlo lounge so we could all eat lunch at the Dragon Noodle Company. I slept a little while longer while Cheryl got ready, then dragged my ass out of bed and got ready myself. As we were almost ready, my cousin Christian called me from LA, so I talked to him for a while. We finally got out of the room, and saw LKK downstairs. She told us that Michelle and Laura were sleeping after a LONG night of gambling, so it would only be the three of us at lunch. We had a wonderful lunch, where we talked all about the shows and frustration of the night before. After we ate, we decided to catch a cab down to the Venetian. We had the coolest cab driver ever, who talked to us about where we were from, shows and food in Vegas, and that type of thing. We got to the Venetian and walked around – it is a beautiful place. We ran into a couple of stores, then stopped at Haagen Dazs to get some ice cream. We sat at a table outside and chatted, when we noticed Scary Ice Cream Head Man ™. Cheryl and I of course had to go over and get a picture with him. We then decided to leave. We ran into Patti and Erin, and talked for a little while, during which SICHM decided to come over and tap me on the shoulder randomly. It was a bit…well…scary. :)

We walked around a bit more – looked at the gondolas, watched performers sing, and finally found our way to a map. After looking at the map for about 20 minutes, we finally figured out how to get back to the Strip. We walked trhough the casino, and made our way out. Cheryl and I decided to go to the Fashion Show Mall to pick up some things, and LKK got a cab back to the MGM. Cheryl and I stopped to take some pictures and looked at the outside gondolas. We walked to the mall, to a stand where I wanted to get Camille a present. I reached for a bottle of hot sauce – and of course dropped it and it smashed all over the floor. The woman working was incredibly nice, though! I got her something else that I could drop and ruin. :) Afterwards, we went to Macy’s so Cheryl could pick up some makeup. We ended up getting our makeup done by the women there – and I ended up with some lovely BRIGHT blue eyeshadow. Oh, man, I was a sight, let me tell you. It happens EVERY time I get my makeup done. Anyway, we walked out through the mall, where I desperately tried to wipe my eyes. I finally got it off with some remover at Dillards. We left the mall and walked down the Strip, past Treasure Island, Mirage, and Caesars. We went into Bellagio and stopped at Tiffany’s so Cheryl could pick up a gift (Note to Cheryl – feel free to buy me any gifts of your choice from Tiffany’s if you get the urge to do so). We took a tram back to the Monte Carlo, and went to our room. We relaxed watched tv, and I took a nap. We didn’t have to be at the MGM until midnight, so we had time. We decided to go to the hotel around 11. We got ready in between watching a bio of Cheryl’s hero. :)

When we were ready, we walked over to the MGM – during which time I realized that my skirt likes to move up my legs as I walk. A feature I hadn’t planned on. It was also a feature that many unwanted sugar daddies noticed as we walked down the Strip, causing me to want to run back to the hotel and put on my sweatpants. Anyway, we got to the hotel and went to the EFX Theater, where we waited on line to get in. When we got to our seats, I confessed to LKK that I felt like a slut in my skirt and hooker boots, and she made me feel better by saying, “Well, you look like one, so that’s good!”. Thanks. We heard details from the first show, and took a few pictures. The show started, and it was absolutely hilarious...the best one that I saw all weekend. Here are some tidbits:

- Ryan and Colin have always had that psychic vibe, but one part of the Saturday show just completely decided it for me. They were playing Freezes, and Colin was up there with someone. Then Ryan came in for whoever else it was, and he and Colin were standing there together for a second. Then, Ryan just yelled out, "2, 3, 4!" and they both starting dancing in opposite ways on the stage! It was truly amazing. I mean, it's hard to's easier to see it. But it just amazed me...the positions that they were in had NOTHING that would make you think of dancing, and they both did the exact same thing in opposite directions. And it wasn't some cheesy little dance, either. It was a huge, chorus line, Broadway style, across-the-entire-stage dance. And they both did it, at the exact same time, in exact opposite directions. It seriously looked rehearsed, and the only reason I believe that it wasn't, was because it was Ryan and Colin doing it. It was SO cool.

- In the middle of his dance scene with Ryan, someone called Freeze...exactly as Colin was flying across the stage with one leg up in the air. He tried as hard as he could to freeze -- not moving any muscle of his body, he desperately hopped on one foot, trying not to fall. Priceless!

- Brad was wearing a black silk-like shirt with big red roses all over it. Cheryl had been writing random things down on paper during the shows so that she could remember funny things, and at the beginning of the show she wrote down, "I think Brad is wearing my blouse". I was laughing because it was true! It was such a woman's shirt! But anyway, later in the show, they were playing sentences, and Kathy Kinney picked that sentence. Drew said, "Really?" and Kathy said "Yeah, everyone knows he's gay". Brad, who wasn't in the game, walked off the stage as the audience laughed hysterically. After the game ended, he came back on, and had tied the shirt around his waist. Later, Brad, Chip and Jeff were singing in GH (I think), and Brad sang "I'm wearing that bitches blouse!" Then, as Brad introduced Mousetrap, and he said that his blouse would be available at Victoria's Secret. When everyone was making fun of him again, he said, "That horse is dead". Greg said, "Did you get that blouse at Betsey Johnson's?" (Apparently, she's a designer famous for using roses). It was SO funny. Brad said, "I guess the horse is NOT dead," and Greg said that it was a great blouse because you could wear it one week and wash your car with it the next. We were all DYING.

- Colin played Mousetrap this night, and it was so painful to watch! He was so cute though...he tried SO hard not to swear! And believe looked like it hurt!

- During Jeopardy, they asked for a city, or something like that. Cheryl yelled out, "Rio!" Colin just kind of looked at her, and Cheryl finished it, "De Janeiro..." Colin was like, "Thank you." It was so funny.

- All the performers not in Mousetrap, especially Brad, were especially cruel to those performing. Not only did they move the mousetraps closer to their feet, but held them up so that their hands would hit them. So mean!

- Cheryl, LKK, and I all got our Sentences picked this night. LKK's was: "Tomorrow will be my dancing day." Cheryl's was, obviously: "I think Brad is wearing my blouse." Mine was (in homage to Nancy): "Let's get a rye and coke and go play some pai gow."

- They give out the papers for sentences at the beginning of the show, and then collect them at the beginning of the actual game. I, of course, waited for the last minute to write mine. Chip was coming around collecting, and I'm writing furiously. Cheryl's yelling at me to write quicker. As I finally finished, I went to hand it to Chip, and he pretended to walk away because it took too long, then came back and took it. He's so cute!

After the show, we walked around a bit. We went by the Betty Boop lounge to see if there were any tables available, but there were none. We hung out by the slots for a while, then walked around looking for $1 Wheel of Fortune slots for Cheryl. As we were looking, we saw Chip and Patti (his wife) walking toward us. LKK went up and asked him to sign her signs for everyone. We chatted with his wife, who is the sweetest woman and asked if we wanted her to take our picture. I went up to him when LKK was done and shook his hand and told him that I had met him before. He said that he remembered. I had him sign a ticket for my best friend who just loves him. After that, I saw Colin standing in the Betty Boop Lounge, and was NOT going to miss him after missing him the night before!

I ran up to the BB Lounge and stopped by Michelle and Laura. I told them that I wanted to talk to Colin, but didn’t want to bother him. They said go ahead. So, I went up and tapped him on the shoulder. I said, “Hi Colin!” He said, “Hi, how are you?” I wasn’t sure whether he remembered me or not, so I said, “I’ve met you before...” and he said, “Yes, you were here last year, right?” I couldn’t believe he actually remembered! So, I took out my picture of us from last year, gave him a little Ashley-update ™, and asked if I could be a pain in the ass and have him to sign it for me. He said of course, and looked at it. I said that he could sign it on the back if he wanted to, and he said okay and signed it. Then I asked Michelle to take a picture of us, and gave her my digital camera, who took the pic for us. After you take a pic on my camera, it shows up on the little screen for about 5 seconds. She took the picture, looked at it, and said, "Awww, this is really cute!". She showed it to Colin and me, and we agreed. Colin said, "Yeah, I do cute really well." HE'S SO CUTE!! :) When the pic was taken, we were standing there and I asked him how his feet were doing. He said that they were okay. Then, the funniest thing happened. We were standing there, and some random guy came up to Colin and held out his hand. As Colin was shaking it, the guy goes, “I appreciate your humor,” and walked away. The best part was, he said it completely seriously! I mean, he was downright *solemn* as he said it. I was just standing there, thinking how incredibly hilarious what had just happened was, and just couldn’t help myself...I burst out hysterically laughing. It was just so funny! Colin kind of looked and me and chuckled himself, and kind of shrugged. Oh man…that was easily one of the funniest things of the whole weekend.

After that I left him alone because a bunch of other people came up and asked for pictures and autographs. I then realized that I had a few more things for him to do (I know, what a pain I am), so I went back up to him. I asked him to sign a picture of him and Greg from the year before, then he saw the picture of him and Nancy from last year that I wanted to have him sign. He said, "What's this?" I was feeling all bad for making him sign a million things, so I was like, "Oh, that's Nancy. She was here last year, but she couldn't come this year. So, I had that picture and wanted to have you sign it. But you don't have to, if you don't want. I feel bad, I keep making you sign things. You don't have to sign it. I mean, you can if you want, but you don't have to. I feel bad. I'm making you sign a million things. I just thought I'd send it to her because she isn't here. But you don't have to sign it if you don't want to." He just kind of looked at me and laughed, then signed it for me. God, am I an IDIOT, or what?? I thanked him a million times, and informed him how annoying I am, which he laughed at. Then I asked him if I could have a hug – I said that I got one last year, so I needed one this year. He smiled and said okay, and hugged me (still a great hugger, one year later), and said, “I hope this holds you over until next year.” Then Sean walked by, and Colin asked him if he wanted a hug – he said no. Then, for some reason, I looked at him (I still can’t believe I did this), opened my arms and said, “Hey, what about me?” I don’t know WHY I did this...I mean, I do it with my friends, but not with Sean Masterson! Anyway, he ran over and said, “Well, for you…” and hugged me and growled. It was so funny. When he walked away, Colin said to me, “You know, it’s just not how it used to be.” I said awww, and patted him on the arm.

At this point, there were a LOT of people getting pics and autographs with the guys. I went up to Ryan, who was sitting at a table nearby, and asked him to sign my picture of us from last year. He said sure, and was incredibly nice! I gave it to him and he asked what it was from, and I told him it was from Vegas last year. He said, “We look so happy! That’s what I’m going to write!” He signed it and I thanked him. Then, because I promised her that I would, I said, “By the way, my roommate Camille wants me to tell you hi and that she loves you.” He said, “Thank you! I’ll tell my wife!” He’s so cute! We both laughed, and I thanked him again and left. I saw Greg right there, and decided to have him sign my pic of him and Colin. I said hi and asked if he could sign it. He said yes, and called me baby (*sigh*). He laughed at the pic, signed it, and gave it back. I thanked him, then asked if he was going to reschedule at Caroline’s anytime soon. He said he would be back in June. I said, “Oh, so soon?” He asked if I live in New York and I said yes (I didn’t feel like explaining), and then asked if I was there this past summer. I said yes, and he said, “Oh, God bless you!” I thanked him and went over to talk to Jeff.

There was roughly a million people milling around to get pics and autographs, including a bride who was still in her dress. All the guys seemed very surprised to hear that she had just gotten married, and Ryan was especially congratulatory. I had to wait for her to move out of the way so that I could talk to Jeff (I couldn’t fit around her dress). Greg said, “Yeah, I guess you have to watch out for the BRIDE, huh?” in his usual sarcastic manner. After she was done, I asked Jeff for a picture. He said sure and stood up. He put his arm around me for the pic, and then pulled back and looked at me and said, "What's your name?" I said, "Oh, Melanie! I'm sorry!" He said, "It's fine, okay Melanie." So, we posed for the picture, and when Erin was done taking it, I was thanking him for the pic and everything, and he said no problem and all that. When I got my camera back, I looked at it and noticed that the power was going off b/c the battery was dead. It was my digital camera, and I was nervous that the pic didn't take. So I took out my normal camera, and asked Erin to take the pic again. I turned back to Jeff, and said, "Jeff?" He turned back to me and was like, "What?" I told him that my camera messed up and asked if he could take another pic. He said sure, and put his arm back around me for the pic, while telling me that I needed to hire a new photographer. :) I thanked him and he sat back down.

When that was over, I decided to be more of a pain than I already was being, and went over to Ryan to get a picture with him. I stood behind him and tapped him on the shoulder to ask him. He turned around and saw that it was me, then turned the other way to actually be able to see me. I asked for a pic, and he said of course – he was being amazingly nice. I mean, I didn’t expect him to be mean or anything, but there was a HUGE change in how he was acting in terms of giving pics and autographs compared to last year. Anyway, Erin took the pic of us, and Ryan commented that he should have put his hat back on. He laughed and I thanked him, and went back by the stairs. I debated whether or not to ask Drew to sign my pic from last year, then decided against it since he was with his girlfriend. I stood with Erin for a while she got up the nerve to ask Ryan for an autograph. Laura Hall was next to me talking to Michelle and Laura, when some random guy came over and asked us to clear away from the table where Ryan, Jeff, Drew, etc. were all sitting. We were a bit confused, and the guy repeated that we had to move away. He said that he was security, and that the cast didn’t want a lot of fans near them. Laura, who he was standing next to, was like, “WHAT? I don’t understand what you’re saying.” He explained again that we had to keep away from the cast. We just kind of ignored him after that...obviously he thought he was being really cool or funny, but it’s kind of a problem when you are telling Laura Hall to keep away from the WL cast. Sean was standing right near us, and Laura told him what was going on. The guy had already left, and Sean said that that was good, because if not he would kick his ass! He was so funny. :) We talked to Sean for a little while, then I went up to Laura and told her that she did a great job in the show. She recognized me (after asking if I hang out with Michelle) – said that I looked familiar. LKK and Cheryl came over and talked to Laura for a while (LKK told her that her new haircut looks “perky”, LOL!). We talked for a couple of minutes about the show that night and their recent trip to Saudi.

After that, Cheryl, LKK, Erin, Patti and I walked around a bit. Cheryl and I decided to call it a night. As we walked out, we saw Colin talking to Ryan, who was playing pai gow. We walked back to the Monte Carlo, where we got some snacks, watched tv, looked at my pictures and autographs from the night, and talked about the events of the evening.

Go on to Sunday