
This page is just for fun, it's like a little preview of all the fun that we had on our trip. It was such a great time with so many random memories, that I figured they deserved their own page. :)

- Cheryl looks a lot like Frank Sinatra's illegitimate daughter.

-There are a lot of people out there would would be murderers in some pretty freaky ways.

-The Frank Sinatra slots are DOLLAR slots...when your quarter goes through, that does NOT mean that they are broken.

-In order for Michelle's cell phone to work, you MUST be leaning towards her.

-Emeril's has a really snotty hostess.

-Jeff and Sean like sushi. And Sean notices when two girls sitting 5 feet away from them stare and giggle all night.

-The shows did not actually take place in the EFX Theater, but the "Way-too-fucking-big Theater".

-It is possible that, if I had no witnesses and people to stop me, somebody would have been killed on Friday night.

-Colin loves Pai Gow possibly more than Ryan does.

-It's more fun to act out events of a night than to just talk about them.

-It is extremely hard to use a map while in the Venetian.

-Don't get your makeup done if you have blonde hair and blue eyes. The person will ALWAYS apply lots and lots of bright blue eyeshadow.

-The skirt that I wore on Saturday night has a habit of moving up my legs as I walk, bringing on many unwanted sugar daddies.

-Colin and Ryan are truly psychic.

-Colin does cute really well.

-I become a gigantic dork when in the company of Colin.

-There's a man out there that appreciates Colin's humor.

-Sean doesn't like to hug Colin, but doesn't mind when it's me!

-Jeff Davis is my new boyfriend.

-Ryan has some new, weird-ass hat!

-If you're pretending to be a security guard to get people to move away from the WL guys, you should probably not tell Laura Hall and Sean Masterson that the cast does not like fans hanging around them. Sean may get the urge to kick some ass.

-Cheryl and I do have a little kindness in our hearts.

-The American President is more fun to watch than the Superbowl.

-I probably shouldn't have drank my Coyote Cafe drink in 5 seconds.

-Nor should Cheryl and I have sat and drank at the Betty Boop Lounge all night long. Even though Paul was buying.

-Colin's wife is just the sweetest thing in the world! They're so cute together!

-Jeff enjoyed my hooker boots. I love him.

-Colin actually uttered the words, "He's like the wind."

-Ryan likes to laugh at me a lot, especially when I'm making a huge fool out of myself.

-Ryan is a bad speller, and revealed to my roommate that I was drunk.

-Colin doesn't know how to spell his own name when he's a bit intoxicated.

-Did I mention that Jeff is my new boyfriend? When he's drunk and his eyes get all squinty, it's hard not to tackle him in the middle of the MGM casino.

-When you have to go to the airport at 4 in the morning after staying up all night and drinking, things can get very surreal.

-I MISS EVERYONE!! And I wish I could live in Vegas forever!!

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