Meeting the WL Cast!

Here are pics of us with our favorite guys!! Well, to be more accurate, I should say me with my favorite guys...when I get other people's pictures, I'll post them on here, too! :)

Me, Ryan, Dawn, Ryan, and Dawn--a.k.a. Ryan with his wife and his girlfriend--Friday night after the show. :)

Me, Colin, Cheryl

Here it is!! Me, Colin, and Cheryl, taken after Friday's show...notice the "I love you," written by Colin himself! *sigh*

Me and Greg

Me with Greg, also after Friday's show...and of course he's making a face! :P


Shot of Greg talking to some random people. Well, he was right in front of I wasn't going to take a pic? :)

Me, Dawn, Drew, Michelle

Me, Dawn, Drew, and Michelle, in front of the Betty Boop Lounge bar. I had him sign it...then Dharma has a pic of us holding the signed pic, as a "certificate of authenticiy", in Drew's words! :)

Me and Sean

Me with Sean...he's such a cutie, even if he does look a little um...strange in this pic. :)

Me and Brad

Here's a picture of me and Brad, also taken in the Betty Boop Lounge on Friday night.

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