January 16, 2004 |
We will be playing our last show together on January 23rd at Rookies Bar in Rochester. The show will start around 9 and we'll play to 2am. This is a very fitting end to what has been a great experience for all of us. Rookies is where we started to gain success and it's great that we will take the stage there together for one last show. We hope you can join us in what will be a memorable night for all of us.
The songs we have been working on in the studio are almost finished. I will put them up on the website for all of you to download at will when they are done. We'd still love to hear from you so don't be afraid to hit the message board, let us know what you think of the final songs. may seem pointless at this point but it would mean a lot to us. Thanks and we hope to see you at Rookies a week from tomorrow.
November 26, 2003 |
A letter from Brian to those who care:
Due to a few personal events that have happened recently, I have had to make one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make in my life. I am leaving Relevance. This decision has nothing to do with any of the other members of the band. They are three of the greatest guys I've ever met and it has been a privilege making music with them.. I believe that they have decided to look for another guitarist to replace me and forge on. It's not known if they will use the same name or not but I fully support doing so.
We still have 2 shows left on our schedule and WILL be playing those shows. December 5th at the Northstar in Rochester and December 12th at Torges in Austin. We are also going to try to book one last show (with me in the band) somewhere around the 2nd week of January.
We have also been recording at a local studio. We wanted to get most of the songs that we don't already have a recording of done. This is essentially what would have been the next album. I will put these songs on the website after they have been completed. Like I said we're still working on them so it will be a few weeks.
I'd personally like to thank everyone who has supported us over the last 5 years. Thank you to all of you who made it out to the shows. As a band we worked really hard hard to make sure we could give the best performances possible. This has been one of the best experiences of my life. Its hard to walk away from something that is so special and has meant everything to me. I will miss all of you.
So when these guys get back up and running make sure and get out to their shows. They're so talented and they're only going to keep getting better. Thanks again for everything and take care of yourselves and one another
September 2 , 2003 |
Finally after over a year of pushing 'Painted Pictures of Mindless Days' we're starting to get some label interest! We've had 2 calls within the last 2 weeks from indie labels. The most promising is a label out of Hollywood CA. They expressed interest and wanted to hear more so we sent them more stuff. We're keeping our fingers crossed. The other label is out of Pennsylvania but we're looking to go in a different direction than what they have to offer.
On a more local front we burned up a whole bunch of CDR's to pass out to people that may have never heard of us. We put a bunch down at Face the Music and Broadway Records in Rochester where the full length CD is also available for sale. The CDR consists of the tracks Broken, Fool, and Blinded, which are on our debut CD 'Painted Pictures of Mindless Days'. So if you're in the area grab a free demo and show it to EVERYONE. I think Face the Music is sold out of the Full length but we'll get more down there tomorrow. Don't forget you can also purchase the CD right off our website.
Lots of good shows coming up. We are looking forward to the acoustic set we're playing at Rookies on September 16th. We just started rehearsing for that evening the other night and its really cool playing our songs all acoustic. we hope you can all make it out to see it. I think if weather permits they are going to have it out on the patio.
We will also be making an appearance at the North Star Bar in Rochester on Tuesday September 9th at the Open Mic Jam with Jim and Joe Carey. The full band will get up onstage and play a few songs to promote our full show at the North Star on Friday September 12th. Hope to see you all soon!
August 14 , 2003 |
Just booked a bunch of new gigs and there's more on the table. The way things are going it looks like we're going to have a busy second half of the year! Lots of new originals and covers coming up as well.
In other news we're in the process of designing new t-shirts. This time we're going to make some for the guys
AND the gals ;)
We've been writing a lot and the next album is starting to take form. We haven't set a date to go back in the studio yet but we're aiming to have the next CD out before the end of the year.
If you know anyone who might want to be on our Emailing list please have them send us an email simply saying "sign me up". We're about to embark on a self promotion wave of fury.
June 16 , 2003 |
Well congratulations are due for Matt and his new bride Chassidy. They had a baby boy on June 6th. A TEN POUNDER named Zane. If you've seen Matt I guess that isn't surprising. Anyways he's going to be a soccer player....yes he is.....yes he is.....Congrats Matt and Chass!
We just got done playing every weekend for the last month and now we have some down time until July comes around. We'd like to thank everyone who made it out to the shows. In the meantime we will be working on some new songs for the upcoming album and fine tuning things that have already bee written. Not to mention repairing equipment that was damaged at the North Star. Some of us got a little crazy that night. Thanks for the shots whoever you were.
Fool, which Matt and Brian played on the KROC early morning show will be up on the music page for download soon. Brian's not used to being awake that early which is why it's a little slower than usual. And listen for the crazy "dings" in the middle. We like to call it the remix version. See you all soon!
June 4 , 2003 |
We are going to be playing an outdoor Cancer benefit show this weekend at
Rookies here in Rochester along with 4 other bands. The other bands are
Fat Rudy, Traci's Alibi, Six Mile Grove and Silverslide. It cost $15 at the door
the day of, but you can get advanced tickets at Rookies for $10. I know it
sounds kind of steep but you get live music all day long and all the proceeds go
to the eagle cancer telethon for cancer research. So its for a great cause!
we take the stage at 7pm and play to 9pm. The benefit starts at 1pm with Fat
Rudy. For more info you check out rookies website
at www.rookiesbar.net
May 15 , 2003 |
MTV has chosen to use music from our debut CD, "Painted Pictures of Mindless Days", on The Real World, Road Rules, and the Extreme All Star Challenge! The news came to us last Thursday in an email sent by MTV's publishing house and we signed the contracts on Tuesday of this week. It is yet to be determined when and which songs will be used but we will keep you posted.
May 8 , 2003 |
Human, the second demo song we did at RCTC, is now available for download! This is another song that will be rerecorded when we go to the studio later this year and will be on the upcoming CD. This version was engineered by Shawn Archer who is a student in the recording program at RCTC. Human was the first of the new batch of songs that were written after the release of Painted Pictures of Mindless Days. We'd like to thank them again for asking us to help them out with their projects.
Sorry about the stupid pop up banners, I'm working on it.
We recently sent out around 120 press packages to national showcase festivals, record labels, film publishing houses, and national press (for reviews). Already we are getting response from different parts of the industry. Check back in a couple of days for news regarding MTV...that's right...MTV... and Relevance!
Hope to see you all out at Rookies on the 23rd!!!!!
April 20 , 2003 |
Well the annoying "pop-ups" that are on this site should be gone starting tomorrow! woo hoo! I put up some more pictures and newspaper clippings on the live shots page. The Thumbnails should be working now as well as the link to "Wasted".
Not getting a lot of feedback on the message board. If anyone is having problems with the board please let us know. Drop us an email, depeasants@yahoo.com
First time show at the Loveugly here in Roch this Tuesday, We're looking forward to it, hope you can all make it.
April 16, 2003 |
We recently went into the studio at RCTC here in Rochester and recorded a demo version of a new song called Wasted which we will rerecord again this fall, but this is one of the songs that will be on the new CD. Lee Wood is the engineer of this version and we'd like to thank him for using us for his project. We also did 3 other songs, human (which we will post on the site when they finish mixing it), Pressure, and War cry. You can either click on it here or check it out on the "music/discography" page. Go to the message board and let us know what you think!
April 9, 2003 |
I promise to update this more often!
Anyways, here's some new info for you. Tomorrow we trek back up to Minneapolis to meet with the promotional agency. This time we are going to be focusing on getting our music to record labels and also applying for some big music festivals this summer. We are planning on sending out anywhere from 50 to 80 CD's to major and indie labels this month. This will also include some press publications for getting legitimate reviews of 'Painted Pictures of Mindless Days'.
Along with that we are going to be sending promo packs to 28 different festivals that take place this summer and fall. Some of them include Summerfest in Milwaukee, Bacilica Block Party in Minneapolis, Backyard Bash in Chicago, as well as many more. These are "showcase" festivals which mean we will play in front of record execs and A&R people. sweet ass!
Some good shows coming up and we're always working on getting more so hope to see you all soon.
January 6, 2003 |
Well the new year is here and after our show on new years eve we can't remember last year. Thanks to all who came and spent their New Years Eve with us at Rookies in Rochester. We had a kick ass time and by the looks of things so did all of you. Lots of things coming up this year. We in the band anticipate this to be a big year. Although the gigs page looks a little bare, we have a lot of things on the table that we will be nailing down soon.
Here's a little tid-bit for ya. The Post Bulletin in Rochester Voted Painted Pictures of Mindless Days 2002's best local band CD! - Thursday Jan. 2nd edition/entertainment section. Thanks Christina Killion Valdez and PB, we're honored.
There's a small buzz about the next album. We have some new stuff written but are still trying to promote 'Painted Pictures' as much as possible. Its doing quite well on the college charts. There is a new link that will show you which college stations are playing us. (and there's a lot of them) So if you're in that area give them a call and request us!
We are also aware that some of you can't see all of the links that are on the main page. We are working on this and will have it fixed soon. You should be able to see the live shots, band bio message board and the "links" link. If you can't then try increasing your screen resolution.
Thanks again for a GREAT 2002 and we'll see you soon!
November 6, 2002 |
Well as the end of the year quickly approaches we here at the Relevance camp are very optimistic for what the next year will bring. It couldn't be more appropriate to cap this year off with a show at Rookies in Rochester on New Years Eve. Can't tell you how excited we are for this, we're going to try to work up some new stuff for ya so we can rock your pants off.
In other news: We have signed up with a promotional company out of Minneapolis to help us with a college radio station campaign. The whole idea for this is to get us exposure throughout the United States. Also to get us gigs at campuses across the country. Major labels are always looking at the CMJ charts monitoring new talent so we're hoping we get a lot of airplay and chart well. Well be getting a list of college stations that are playing us and as soon as we do we will post it so you can call and request us. (if you want to)
As for the post on the message board about a certain Relevance member being jailed I'll just say this: "Aren't rumors something!"
Check the gigs section to see where were at next and hope to see you all soon.
September 8, 2002 |
We'd like to thank everyone that came out to the last couple shows. Especially for trekking up to the Cities to see us. You know who you are and we really appreciate it.
Well the manufactured cd's are now complete! we are very excited about this. The process is finally done and now 'Painted Pictures of Mindless Days' is officially finished. We have these available at Broadway Records and Face the Music in Rochester. Also at our live shows of coarse. We are in the process of hooking up with a distributor so we can get them into the big retailer such as Best Buy and Sam Goody etc...etc.... This should happen within the next couple of months. If you bought a copy of the "burned version" and can prove it, then we will sell you the "manufactured" version for half price. We would have liked to offer them in exchange but the cost of production was high.
The year is quickly nearing the end and we are stoked to announce that we'll be playing the New Years Eve show at Rookies here in Rochester! This means a lot to us in many ways. So lets bring in the New Year together!
Keep hitting that message board and for god's sake tell your friends about us. Any questions feel free to drop us an Email, or throw it on the message board.
July 8, 2002 |
We'd like to thank Mike Molzahn for coming down and playing drums for us the last couple of shows while Anthony was on his honeymoon. He did a great job and we can't thank him enough.
For some of you that are wondering, we'd like to make it clear that Anthony is still our drummer. there were a few questions about that so now you know. Hope he's having a great time on his honeymoon cause we're putting his ass right back to work as soon as he returns:) and we got a lot of stuff to do.
We'd also like to thank the Rochester civic music department for giving us the opportunity to play the Down By The Riverside. It was great. Probably the biggest crowd we've played for so far. And thanks to all of you that came down!
"Real CD's" coming VERY soon. We've also been talking with web designers to give the website a professional look, so that's in the works. Our fall schedule looks like it will be filling out nicely (with some potential gigs in the cities). Lots to look forward to. Thanks again to EVERYONE who's been supporting us. Keep hitting that message board and keep spreading the word, we want to share our music with everyone!
June 26, 2002 |
Well Rochesterfest was awesome, we had a lot of fun and hope you did too. Now we move on to the LOFT REUNION SHOW! This is going to be a great time. Lofts' last stand will take place in the NEW Rookies which is only about 50 feet from the old Rookies and we get to be the first band to break the new bar in! I can't tell you how much fun this is going to be you're just going to have to come out and experience it yourselves!
The glass backing (real CD's) is getting closer and closer. We've decided on a company and have enlisted a friend to help us with the graphics so I would say within the next month or so they should be done.
we'll see you soon and don't forget to check out the message board!
June 5, 2002 |
"WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN?" If you find yourselves asking this question have no fear. We are gearing up for a busy summer. We're looking forward to the outdoor street dances and shows coming up. We're opening up for some pretty well established Minnesota bands, it should be good for us.
The Rumors of a Loft reunion show have been floating around the town for quite awhile now. We'll there true! on June 28th one of the most electrifying bands to ever grace Rochester Minnesota are teaming up for one last stand and they have invited us to once again share the stage with them. If you haven't seen these guys play before DO NOT HESITATE to come to this show. They will rock your pants off. (and by the way were opening for them as well) Its going to be a great time.
In other news congratulations go out to our drummer Anthony who will be getting married on the 29th of June to his long time girlfriend Natalie Becker. We're all very happy for them and wish them a wonderful future together.
Since Anthony will be soaking in the sun in the Bahama's on his honeymoon, Mike Molzahn (Loft's Drummer) has offered his expert drumming skills in Anthony's absence. Anthony will return to the "throne" as soon as he returns.
Also we are getting stuff prepared for the glass mastering of Painted Pictures of Mindless Days. What does this mean to you? It means NO MORE CDR'S! We will have a professional CD to offer to you. Just like what you buy at Best Buy and other music stores. If you would like to exchange your CD-R for the "real" CD, that option should be available to you when we get them in. We'll keep you up to date on this. Any Questions please email us. Eventually we will have the CD available at Best Buy and other music outlets.
Besides all that we are keeping busy booking shows for this fall and also compiling a list of record labels that we will be sending out to in search of a "deal". So we have been keeping busy. we are excited to get back up in front of all of you again real soon!
May 8, 2002 |
Hey all, just checking in. We had a couple really good shows in Eau Claire and were booked back for more so we're excited about that. Special thanks to Steve and Kristine who watched over the merchant table Friday night. It was great to see familiar faces at the show
I added a Message Board to the site so feel free to use it. It's open to anyone and any opinions or discussions would be great to see on the site. Just trying to make it a little more interactive.
Lots of cool stuff on the way, should be a good summer for us! Right now were are just trying to promote the CD and see if it helps promote us, anyways we'll see ya soon
April 19, 2002 |
We would really like to thank everyone who made it out to the CD release party at Rookies on the 5th! It was a great night for us and we hope you all had a great time. You made it very special for us. We sold about 70 cd's and all the t-shirts were gone towards the beginning of the second set! our CD is available down at Broadway Records in Rochester. Or you can get it from us. just email us let us know what you need.
CD's = $10 T-shirts = $12
We would love to hear some feedback from you on the CD. We hope you are enjoying them. If there are any problems or questions please email us.
On a different note: we have to reschedule the May 10th show at Hooligans in Mankato. Anthony is graduating from college that night so congrats to him! we are rebooking so we will let you know as soon as we do.
Also we have a new URL (web address). You can still use the old one but the new one is easier to remember and it does the same thing. here it is.
sounds a little conceited but we couldn't think of anything else and relevance.com was taken. Any how we hope you are enjoying Painted Pictures of Mindless Days and we hope you can make it to Eau Claire in May. It's a party town. Thanks again
March 29, 2002 |
We've Officially been added to the Rochesterfest line up. we will be playing on January 22nd from 6pm-8:30pm. I think we are going to be opening for Incognito but that is the only unclear detail right now. More on this later. See you at the CD Release Party!
March 13, 2002 |
Well its official! The release date for the upcoming CD is April 5th. We are going to be having a cd release party at Rookies that night, its going to F*ck'n Rock!. We are working with lazer 101.7 and Rookies right now to try and start the night off with a 5:01 party so you guys can come early and drink dollar beers before the show starts. If it happens you'll hear plenty of advertising for it the week before.
The upcoming CD will be titled 'Painted Pictures of Mindless Days' What does it mean? who the hell knows! Its from a line off of one of the tracks on the CD. You can draw your own conclusions, we already have. Here's the track listing:
Special Place Fool World Without Mirrors Her Mind's Eye Broken So Surreal Assumptions Wither Blinded
Oh happy day, ohhh happy day. The first 100-200 are going to be CD-R's but don't fret, it all plays the same. Getting the real thing done is outrageously expensive. We are planning on having them professionally done in the future so think of them as limited edition. oh happy day, happy day
In other news: We have the privilege of playing the Down by the Riverside in Rochester this Summer. We are opening for Martin Zellar and they are expecting MASSIVE amounts of people to be there. So we're very excited about that. We will also find out later this week if we are going to be Opening at Rochesterfest this summer. It was already offered to us but hasn't been set in stone yet. So keep your fingers crossed. We Are. That's it for now, check out our Upcoming Shows, hope to see you soon!
February 9, 2002 |
Wow it's been long a time since I've updated this. Sorry. Well the recording process is finished on the forthcoming CD. We just have some post production stuff to do. We are aiming on having the CD out as early as this spring as long as the financial gods are generous.
Some good shows coming up including the battle of the bands. This is a lot of fun. We are the first band and it starts at 7pm. there will be a ton of people there. The competition will be rough but were just there to play. I know it will be fun so bring a ton of people.!
Also the Cyber Cue is coming up. THIS IS AN ALL AGE SHOW!. We have been trying to figure out how to go about doing an all age show and the Cyber Cue was our best bet. We will be supplying the lights and pa so it should be visually cool as well as excellent sounding. we are trying to make it better than the average show you would see at the Cyber Cue so bring all your sisters and brothers and friends to this one. You are the ones who make the shows fun.
check out the upcoming shows for times and dates and we'll see you soon. Thanks
January 2, 2002 |
Happy New Year! Well we ended last year off on a good note. We have a 4 song EP that we will be selling at our shows. or if you want one and can't see us live for awhile, email me and let me know. The recording was done at Two Fish Studios and we are extremely happy with it. We hope you will be too.