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The FINAL Chapter to Rockfest on-line Photo Album..RECAP

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The Final Chapter.........Rockfest 2000
an on-line Photo Album
~~ RECAP ~~


A little WORN-OUT from the road...
but happy to see that Arizona skyline!

Photo's by: Angel & Madman

Thank You, friends !

I hope you have enjoyed our lil' on-line Photo Album and Tribute to RockFest 2000, and to YOU! Making the yearly trek to RockFest is indeed, "what dreams are made of". The challenge, the journey, the music, and the the whole host of new friends and aquaintences are certainly worth the trip. The new friendships will only be deepened as we all reflect back and hope..... Hope for yet another fabulous 4-days amidst the rolling northwestern Wisconsin countryside.

For those of you who are depicted in photographs through the pages you just viewed, THANK YOU for making the page construction fun. For those of you who we did not have the pleasure of meeting at RockFest 2000, or if you did not see your photo on any of these pages...the invitation stands! ~~SEND SOME~~....and the pages will continue to evolve throughout the coming year.

To the Management, Staff, and Volunteers who make RockFest so special, these pages are dedicated to YOU, as well! If it were not for your continued VISION, hard work and planning, and dedication to the end result, most of the Members at the Chippewa Valley RockFest on-line Club at Yahoo wouldn't know what to do with themselves come July (lol). 'Kudos' to all the Management and 'Staffers' at CLASSIC ROCK 92.1, too! Your professionalism is always clearly evident to us. Continued success in the future!

Angel & Madman

Please take a moment to sign our GuestList below!

Ready to SURF Outta-Here??
Be for you do, {{click}} the RED ARROW to get some 'great links'! get your weary butt back home! ~smile ~


BACK...One Page!
At any point thru these series of pages
you see an image/photo you would like
for yourself...DROP ME A LINE!
(e-mail requests ONLY!)
I will gladly E-MAIL it to you if I still
have the image in my files.
Sincerely ,
Mail2Friend: 1 Click 2 recommend !

This web-page, and subsequent
pages, are in no way
affilliated with Chippewa
Valley Music Festivals Inc.
it's agents, sponsors, or
recording artists and
created for the sole purpose
personal enjoyment. Keeping
with the spirit of the WWW,
this page is for
informational purposes ONLY!

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This Page designed by : Madman ©2000