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The Hop

This video features the band playing live, mixed with pictures of them walking around town. A variety of images are superimposed over the band. Swing dancers and big band players are shown over images of the crowd. There are many pictures of bombs going off and planes dropping bombs. Kirk is wearing his signature bomber jacket. As the video ends, many explosions are shown, battleships fire their guns, and Kirk lands a jump in time with the last note.

The Wheel

An odd video, showing the band playing in front of a ferris wheel and a carousel. Kirk especially has a creepy look on his face, somewhat that of an evil vaudville entertainer. There are many shots of the ferris wheel turning, and in one you can see Stan sitting with a girl in one of the seats.

Brandon & James

James Brandon & Stammers


Brandon & James

James Brandon & Stammers

Chris Bell


Taken from Dutch TV, this is not an official video, but it is included here because it is one of the bands better video performances. Shot during the Duffy era, this features Kirk with his best haircut of all times, wearing the white deutchland tanktop featured in many photos. Kirk looks absolutely diabolical standing in the dark playing the guitar and singing TOH's most evil song.




Duffy & Brandon


Prisoner of Love

This shows the band members standing on a set identical to the shots on the back of the One Eyed Jacks LP. They are wearing the same outfits too. Kirk looks like he is wearing a bit too much eye shadow. The video essentially show the band playing the song, featuring Pyzer on saxaphone instead of keyboards. There are some original, if dated, editing effects in which half of the screen remains paused until the video on the other half catches up to it.

Pyzer St.Claire Brandon


St.Claire Stammers

Pyzer St.Claire Brandon Stammers


Pyzer St.Claire Brandon Stammers

All My Love

Easily SOD's best video. Kirk starts out sitting in a chair similair to the World Service cover. The three female singers are checking Kirk out, and Kirk stands up and takes the microphone out of one of the girls hands. The band is dressed in the same outfits as on the back of the World Service LP, suggesting that those shots were taken from the same photo shoot. St.Claire comes across looking unusually dangerous. One of the backup singers is the short haired blonde featured in live TV performances of the song. Pyzer is shown playing saxaphone, although live he played keyboards during this song.

The Chair




Stammers & Donnelly

World Service



The Backup Singer

Everything You Ever Wanted
Band Members
Set Lists
Kirk Pictures
Band Pictures