Summer of 2003

Welcome to my photos page. Here are a couple of pics that I wanted to share with family & friends here and abroad. I'm so lucky I look good on camera.
The summer began with my graduation ceremony in the "Pit," receiving my B.S. in Biology, and B.A. in Chemistry. So what's next? Pharmacy School! |
So what's the best thing about summer? Cookouts of course! Here's my mom, living it up during Father's Day.
Of course my dad and my sister have to agree! Boy can my Grandma Virginia really dish out the food!
This summer, I've met some interesting people. Here I am with one of my co-workers and friend, Ronda Francis, as a tutor at Dine College who made working there fun. I also met the Miss Navajo Nation Shaunda Tsosie (2002-2003) and RC Gorman, who had a study room dedicated to him in Kiya'aanii Library. Here he is, signing my commemorative poster! |
I also served as a groom's man for Uncle George's Wedding here in Vanderwagon, NM. I had to include this pic of the happy couple's first dance. It's awesome!
Of course, I drove all over the rez taking more pics. Sometimes, living here locals forget why tourists come here. Here I am with my cousins Lehi and LeAnn.