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Sity Of Lonity

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Next Scheduled Practice: This Weekend sometime (April 4-5) Next Scheduled Gig: Early May--Concert Outside


April1st, 2003. posted by Mike @ 9:38pm
Talent Show Reviews/Next Show

Well we had one technical difficulty with the talent show on the 20th, and that was somebody messed with my nobs on my amp and made the volume go up way to loud. It happened to another duo who were doing a guitar solo. But the amp was almost loud enough to where you couldn't hear Beka signing. Though even with that everyone loved it and we got 4th or 5th place out of 19 acts so its all good for our first live performance. And that was infront of over 800 students at WHHS so it was a huge first performance. Anyways everyone was giving us good reviews.

Me and Beka have decided to pick up Chris Vest (drummer) to do a show. He is a great drummer and is a great guy, we plan on doing a show in early may in Vest's backyard. It will be a small show, and we don't expect more then 100 people to be there...we probley will only have 30-50 people there, but thats great! After that we are planning on talking to a local hang out and play on friday nights for free then trying to get a few bucks here and there. But right now all the shows are going to be free and awesome!

Peace I'm Out

March 15th, 2003. posted by Mike @ 1:14pm
Talent Show Cuts--New Songs

Well we found out yesterday at school that the school is cutting people from the list of performers to play in the talent show. Since over 20 bands/people/groups wanted to do this years talent show this is the first year they had to cut people in order to stay within the time limit...Two bands have already been cut from the list in the first day.

The school will be posting the list of performers on Monday...and the talent show is Thursday of this week...Hopefully everything will be cool and we will make the cut...Pray for us!

I have been writing tabs for three new songs for Sity of Lonity. I made two solid guitar tabs for two songs without lyrics...then last night I made a song with lyrics and chords for the guitar. All three sound really great, the two with just the tabs are more of a up-beat fast song, while the one with Lyrics is more of a slower, send out a message song. But SoL will probley practice sometime before the talent show...perfect BMTL and work on some originals...We are trying to make a full song list so we can start getting some gigs around town.
Peace I'm Outta!

March 10th, 2003. posted by Mike @ 10:47pm
Final Cut/Demo

Me and Beka got together yesterday afternoon (Sunday 3.9.03) and made the final cut on our demo that is due this thursday for the talent show. We are doing...guess what song? Lol, "Bring Me To Life" by really sounds good with our voices and just my guitar slamming with Beka's angelic voice. We plan on rocking the house on March 20th...hopefully we will get voted in the top 3 bands...but we are just playing because its what we love to do, we love to play music and enter that other world...

We planned a practice Wed. after school to just make sure we get all the final kinks out of the song before we go infront of the school and perform. We might work on some stage performance as well, but you never know? Also we plan on goin shopping afterwards to find some nice wardrobe for the show. So everything will be kickin'

Bek and I have also talked about playing a small little show infront of our family members and close friends a night or two before the talent show just to get some nervous bugs out of our system. The show will probley be 5 songs long, but hopefully it will get good reviews from our folks and our buds!
Peace I'm Outta!

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