Nick Stokes, Lab Rat Extraordinaire

Nick Stokes, Lab Rat Extraordinaire


Chapter 5:

Nick was nervous as he stepped out of his car on Friday night. He was wearing the clothes Greg had picked out for him and the contacts, he'd even gone as far as styling his hair the way Josh had done it.

He still wasn't sure what he was supposed to look like. He looked liked himself, just better dressed and without any of his messy hair in his face. He sighed as he walked inside the lab trying to make his way to his locker.

He saw the stares. He could feel them as he walked to his locker. He could hear the whispers too. People were talking about him and that made Nick extremely nervous. What could they possibly be saying?

Nick hastily made his way to the locker room and opened his locker. He pulled out his lab coat and put it on. It was only now that his clothes fit that he realized just how big his lab coat really was. It was at least two sizes too large.

"So, I hear Greg played dress up with you?" Nick looked up to see Hodges standing in the doorway leaning against the doorframe.

Nick smiled.

"Be honest with me David, do I look okay?" Nick said running his finger through his hair.

Hodges gave him a critical look taking in Nick's new appearance.

"Well, it's not as if I like guys, but you look better than you usually do." Hodges said.

"Really... people were staring." Nick said.

"Well, yeah it's not everyday you see Nick Stokes harmless little lab rat looks like and this is a direct quote from Jacqui 'Hot Texan Goodness'." Nick felt himself blush a bit.

"She really said that?"

"Yes and then she started to complain about how it's not fair that all the good ones are gay. You know she does a lot of complaining about her love life."

"Yeah, she was complaining Tuesday night about it. So you really think I look okay."

"Yeah, I do. But then again what do I know? I'm not some little 'fashionista' like Sanders. And I'm betting he's the one that dressed you so I'd just go with that."

"How do you know he's the one that dressed me?"

"Oh please everyone else may think that Sanders has some little big chested brunette on his arm, but I'm not stupid, Nick. The way you two flirt and the way he looks at you... surprised he hasn't thrown you on the break room table and had his way with you."

Nick felt himself blush even deeper. He obviously knew he was being pretty obvious about liking Greg, but Hodges didn't need to put it like that.

"It's not like that... well okay we're dating, but we haven't... you know." Nick said closing his locker door. He looked down at his lab coat... it really was way too big.

"Oh, so you and Sanders haven't done the nasty yet. The gossip mill will be so pleased to know that." Hodges said with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"What does the gossip mill know about it. I thought they thought Greg had some big chested brunette." Nick asked.

"Some do, mostly the ones that don't know anything. Sara knows, but she's keeping her mouth shut. Warrick knows and I heard Catherine trying to weasel it out of him. And of course Grissom isn't saying anything. People aren't stupid though Nick, despite what I think. They'll figure it out."

"I know. I'm not afraid or anything. I am a little for Greg. I mean I know how some of the cops can be. What if they give him a hard time about it?" Nick said.

"Nick, now you know I don't like... people. You being probably the only exception to that, but if there's one thing I have to say Sanders has, and I begrudgingly admire, it's his ability to win over people and not give a damn about what they think if he can't convince them he's right.

"Kid's not afraid of anything... that could be because he's a kid, but he marches to the beat of his own drum. Grissom wouldn't let anything bad happen to him." Hodges said.

"You're probably right."

"I don't know why you have to disagree with me in the first place. You know I'm always right." Nick smiled as he began to walk out of the locker room. Hodges fell into step next to him.

"Hey, Nick, you're looking... nice today." Catherine said.

Nick smiled at her and watched as Hodges made his way to the break room. He was always doing that when people started to come around. He just disappeared as if he weren't there. One day Nick was going to be talking to him and he'd be gone and people would look at him weirdly.

"Um, thanks. I'm trying something new."

"Well my compliments to trying something new. Definitely... suits you." Catherine said her voice taking on a husky quality Nick remembered from when she hit on him on his first day.

Nick couldn't remember blushing this much in one day, but he knew if the comments he was already receiving were any indication he was going to be doing a whole lot of blushing today.

"So, did you need something?" Nick asked. Catherine blinked a bit before letting a huge smile grace her face.

"Well, just so happens I have a screwdriver for you to analyze. Grissom and I think it was used to kill some guy at the movie theaters." Catherine said.

"A screwdriver? That's definitely a weird murder weapon."

"Yeah, well, still a weapon. Anyway..." "You want me to analyze the blood found on it to see if it belongs to your victim."

"Precisely. It's already with Jacqui. She's fingerprinting it as we speak. Just get it from her."

"Will do." Nick said nodding to Catherine as he started to leave to his lab.

"Oh, Nick." Nick turned around to see Catherine smiling at him. He knew that smile. It was her 'I'm trying to charm information out of you, but I'm hot so you're going to tell me' smile.


"Just, out of curiosity, where'd you get the clothes?" Catherine asked.

"Um... some place called... Vintage or Classic or something like that. It was in the mall." Nick said nodding.

"Huh, you mean... Retro?"

"Yeah, I think that was the place."

"You know, Greg shops there. Swears by the clothes. Says they have all the most up to date things." Catherine said her smile widening.

"Really... I didn't know that." Nick said.

It was true. Greg had never said anything like that when they had entered the story. He had only said he liked the place and then dragged Nick in. Nick, being close to Greg and not really caring where they were, just followed like a last puppy.

"Yeah, and you know he was talking about these pants he saw there yesterday that he just had to buy." Catherine said walking back to where Nick was standing.

Nick felt glued to the ground. He gulped nervously as Catherine's mind worked a mile a minute.

"And you know, yesterday was Thursday, day of the big date according to Sara. That's all she said about it. So why would he take his date to a clothing store."

"He's nutty." Nick said with a smile, but Catherine really wasn't listening to him. She was on the trail and boy was she liked a blood hound when she got a whiff of the scent of something going on right under her nose.

"Then you come in, wearing clothes from Retro and your day off happened to be yesterday... I think I'm starting to see an interesting pattern here." Catherine said with a smile.

"Fine, you want to know. Fine, Greg and I went on a date yesterday. There are you happy." Nick grumbled. Catherine's eyes shone with glee and she bounced a bit at hearing Nick's confirmation.

"Yes, I was right. I thought I was right. I mean Warrick wasn't saying anything, but come on. You've been in love with him since you saw him and he's been smitten just as long. I just knew it." Catherine said.

"Well good for you. You went and figured out something that wasn't that secret." Nick grumbled.

"Oh, Nick, don't be so down on yourself."

"I'm not down on myself... I mean... am I really that obvious." Nick asked.

Catherine looked shocked for a minute, but then adopted her motherly look that Nick knew so well.

"Oh, honey, you couldn't have been more obvious if you were walking around with an 'I Love Greg Sanders' sign on your chest. But don't fear. Greg was just as obvious."

"He was."

"Well yeah. He'd never let any of us go to you to get things processed. He was always stopping at your lab at all times of the night for no reason. You guys should get matching signs. You know for you 'I Love Greg Sanders' and another for Greg that says 'I Love Nick Stokes'. That way you guys won't get your wires mixed anymore."

Nick rolled his eyes at her and smiled.

"I just... he's Greg. I don't quite believe..."

"Oh, you better believe it. Have you looked in the mirror today? Man if you weren't in love with another guy..."

"What?" Nick asked. Catherine adopted her sultry look and tapped him lightly on the chest.

"Let's just say I'd want to test out just how sturdy those lab tables are." Catherine said winking at Nick.

"Thanks Cath."

"Anytime, babe, anytime." Catherine said walking away.


"So your boys the talk of the lab. Just so you know." Warrick said.

They were heading back from the very grueling scene he, Greg and Sara had just processed. The place had been riddled with bullets, 109 to be exact. It took them hours to process everything and now they were headed back to the lab to have things processed.

"I didn't get to see him before Grissom gave me the assignment. He look good?" Greg asked.

Warrick looked at him with his 'You can't be seriously asking me that question' look. Greg rolled his eyes.

"I didn't mean it as an offence to your manhood. Just, you know, a casual observation maybe." Greg said.

"He looked hot, Greg. He looked very hot. You work miracles." Sara said in a deadpan voice as she put the stuff in her kit away.

"Really. Like super hot you'd date him or he was hot I'd definitely give him a once over and maybe a ride?" Greg asked. Sara gave him a grossed out look.

"Well considering he's your boyfriend I think the whole ride thing is irrelevant. But he was definitely something to look at." Sara said.

"You might have just given yourself competition." Warrick said.

"Please, Warrick. Greg may have dressed him up all pretty, but this is still Nick Stokes were talking about. I'm surprised he doesn't have a stutter with how shy he is." Sara said.

"You don't really think I made a bad move by showing him off a bit?" Greg asked.

"No, not a bad move at all. Hopefully it'll boost his confidence. He's not a bad guy." Sara said.

"Yeah, what she said. Guy only sees you. I don't see it being too much of a problem." Warrick said.

"Great. That's great. So... when we get back to the lab... I get to take the beer bottles to DNA." Greg said with a big smile on his face.

"Greg... isn't that how it always is."


"So the blood on the screwdriver is a match to the victims." Nick said. Grissom nodded his head.

"Thanks Nick." He said grabbing the print out from Nick's hands.

Jacqui had already gone through her song and dance telling Grissom and Catherine that the killer wore gloves. They both smiled at the lab techs and went on their way.

"So is this like a change of life thing. Greg gets a new... whatever it is that he has and you decide to make yourself look all hot." Jacqui asked. Nick smiled at her.

"Jacqui, you need to lay off the gossip mills... or perhaps listen to them a little more. You might find you'll get all the answers if you just listen." Nick said.

"You know every time I've ever heard you talk it's to spout of some sort of wisdom. You're like... Silent Bob... only good looking." Jacqui said.

"Well I make it my job to inform. That's why I'm a lab tech."

"Yeah I know. You're the best lab tech we've got. You're probably the best in the whole crime lab. Maybe one of the best in the country."

"I sense a but coming."

"Oh there's a but. A big huge elephant size but. Do you actually... do anything when you're not at work."

"Of course I do. What you think I just sit at home and watch nature shows all day." Nick said a bit nervously. Mostly because all he did do was sit at home and watch nature shows.

"I don't know. I haven't been able to figure you out. You're an all around nice guy. I mean you're friends with Hodges and that's not an east feat. You're polite. You don't mind putting in for over time. You never back talk to the CSIs even if they're being assholes. I don't know about you man." Jacqui said as she looked down at her work area.

"I just like being a nice guy. Is that so bad?"

"It is when Ecklie stomps all over you. I mean he has his own day techs." Jacqui said.

"I know that. It's nice to be appreciated is all." Nick said as he looked out of the lab area.

Two girls, Nick guessed they were techs, passed by and started giggling and pouting at Nick. Of course Nick's first reaction was to tense up and wonder if they were pointing at him because he had something on his face or something equally embarrassing.

"You know you're going to have to let them down gently. I think half the girls in the lab have noticed you. They're going to be twirling their hair and flashing their boobs to you in know time."

"Whatever happened to professionalism?"

"It died right around the time chivalry did." Jacqui said in a dead-pan voice. Nick rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Hey, Nicky there you are. I've been looking all over for you. I've got some stuff for you to process. Very important stuff." Greg said as he walked into Jacqui's fingerprint lab.

"Oh really. Important you say." Nick said teasingly.

"The most important. So drop everything you're doing and get your butt into you nice little DNA lab of yours and process my evidence." Greg said with a smile on his face.

"A little demanding aren't you. You didn't even compliment Nick on his new clothes and hair and the no glasses." Jacqui said slightly miffed.

Greg smiled at Nick who rolled his eyes in a defeated manner.

"Well I've already complimented him on his clothes seeing as I bought them for him. And the hair was on me to. Isn't that right, baby." Greg said in an overly sweet tone.

Jacqui blanched.

"Wait... you... then... but... how could I not have seen this." She asked.

"I don't know. Maybe you were looking hard enough." Greg said his arm snaking around Nick's waist. Nick squirmed a bit, but Greg held him close.

"So, Nick's your special someone. The person you were talking all that lovey dovey crap was Nick?" Jacqui asked.

"Yup. And don't sound like that. Who wouldn't absolutely fall head over heels for him." Greg said as he kissed Nick softly on the lips.

Nick felt himself blushing so much he knew he had to be tomato red. He pushed Greg away and ran out of Jacqui's lab leaving a puzzled Greg and Jacqui in his dust.

"What's the matter with him?" Jacqui asked.

"I don't know."

"Well, don't sit around her talking to me. Go see what's wrong with your boyfriend." Jacqui said with a small smile on her face.

Greg returned it and walked out of her lab. He made his way to Nick's lab. Nick was currently un-bagging the bottles Greg had found at his crime scene his face clearly showing that he was pissed off. Greg decided to proceed with caution.

"Nicky, babe, what's wrong." Greg asked.

"You! You're what's wrong! Greg, you can't just... we can't just... I mean that stuff's for private." Nick said his tone irritated.

"Nicky, it was just a little kiss."

"Just a little kiss! Greg we can't be kissing in the crime lab."

"Are you... I mean do you not want people to know about us. Because I really like you... I mean REALLY REALLY like you, but you know it's not my style to hide..."

"God, Greg that's not it at all. I just... I have to work here, you know. I have to keep things... professional. My personal life... no one needs to know about that stuff. It's my business, not anyone elses." Nick said clearly angered by the whole situation.

"Nicky, look, I'm sorry okay. I didn't think it would..."

"No you didn't! You were just being you! Well maybe you should tone the you down a bit!" Nick said a little louder than intended.

Greg's eyes widened in shock.

"Wait I mean... I didn't mean it like that... what I meant..."

"Don't Nick. It's okay if you're angry... in fact... I kinda like you... angry. It's a different side of you. Definitely... hot."

It was Nick's turned to look shocked. He had just yelled at Greg and told him to stop being him and Greg was... happy about it. Well turned on was more like it. Nick had seen that gleam in his eyes before and he knew exactly what it meant.

"You're nuts. Completely nuts you know that." Nick said.

"Well, yeah, but it's just who I am. Now, let's settle this like adults. Clearly something about public displays of affection in the work place disturbs you. Why?"

"Greg, did you just hear yourself. Public displays in the work place. There's a reason it's the work place. We're supposed to work here."

"But dressing rooms in mall stores are okay." Nick glared at him.

"Okay, okay, I get it. You're just trying to be professional."

"You said Grissom said we could do this if we kept it from affecting work. I like my job, Greg."

"And I like mine. So, okay, I've got it. You're skittish about being public. I'll remember that. I'll just have to curb my urges to throw you down on your lab desk and have my way with you." Greg said wagging his eyebrows.

Nick rolled his eyes though he couldn't say Greg wasn't having an affect on him whatsoever.

"Look, it's not that I don't like you. And it's not that I don't want this. I do. Apparently everybody here knows it. And I know it's not going to stop any office gossip if we keep things cool here.

"They'll already know or makeup things if we don't tell them, but... I like to keep things private. I grew up with siblings all around me. It didn't help that I was the baby. I just... I want to be able to say that I have one thing that's just mine and nobody knows anything about."

"Oh you mean like a nice little secret."

"Not a secret. Everybody knows... just you know something only I'm allowed to fully appreciate." Nick said.

Greg smiled at him. He could be Nick's thing to fully appreciate. He had no problems with that.

"You know I'd do whatever you want. I'm fucking crazy about you." Greg said. Nick smiled.

"I know. You've said that before. I'm actually starting to believe it."

"Good. Because it's true you know. So, okay, I can be professional. Professional Greg stepping into the room." Greg said as he waved his right hand over his face.

One minute he was smiling and the next he had a stern look on his face.

"Nicky... okay I can't really be too professional and say Nicky at the same time, but bare with me... Nicky I need you to swap the rims of these bottles and compare the saliva you find on them to the victim. Bloods in one of those bags." Greg said.

Nick couldn't help but laugh a bit at Greg's attempt to be professional. Greg took his job seriously, sure that was a given, but Greg wasn't exactly professional.

"I can do that for you Mister Sanders." Nick said.

Greg shuddered at the 'Mister Sanders' part.

"I better get out of here before I really do end up throwing you on that table. You really just have no idea..." Greg said as he began to walk out of the lab.

Nick caught his hand and Nick looked up. Nick was feeling particularly bold at the moment, his thumb caressing Greg's palm.

"We're still on for Saturday... right." Nick said in an unsure voice.

"Wild horses couldn't drag me away. I'll pick you up at six okay. We can get some dinner and catch a late movie."

"Sounds great. Okay back to being professional." Nick said with a smile.

"Yes, back to being professional."

Chapter 6

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