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Welcome To Free Hate's Website

Band Members
Mick : Vocalist
Mim : Bassist
Matt : Guitarist
Adrian : Guitarist
Ant : Drummer

Check out this awsome band, Mick and I had come accross 2 ledgends at Torquay
at a holliday during the christmas break and one of them is the guitar player of the band, so check em out!!!





Photos **(under construction)

Chat Room

Other links:

Tab Crawler

Punk and Junk

Nine MSN


Yahoo! Australia

The name FREE HATE is that for the band we are all teenagers and life is throwing the shitty things at us at the moment, and like others, we have to deal with that, it's hard, but you get through it. So most things today for everyone comes with a price .. meaning everything costs something to do. So FREE HATE is that it doesn't cost anything to hate the bad things in life cause most people we know hate their parents, hate their school, and hate it when they don't get their own way. So it's these things, and more, giving our band a name that all people have to deal with. We are going to be writing our music the way we want it to sound and not to copy anyone elses and keep it original, so when that starts to happen and we start playing live shows.

See you all in the moshpit.

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