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Today is the Grave
a gallery








Well...we have known each other for a long time but none of us really played any instruments until we were pretty much finished high school. After jerms and Pete graduated, Pete moved here and there, usually following a girl. kris graduated two years later and had a couple months of drumming under his belt. In January 2002 when pete finally smartened up and moved to regina, we decided to start trying to write songs and see how things went from there, in about may 2002, we met ricky and got to know him better. in about february or march 2003, we asked him to come sing our new song with us cause pete and jeremy couldnt figure out anything to do, he has stuck since then and has been an awesome addition with fresh ideas, and awesome energy..ricky is just one swell dude.....well,thats the simple story..if you want to know more, email us and ask...