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bio of adam pompili
as told by Bryan Hill

i think i am the only person who still calls adam pompili...pepperoni, but that’s ok, because i can call adam whatever i want. adam can essentially be summed up in two words: soccer player. a soccer player is basically a wanna-be athlete with an inferiority complex and a longing desire to be accepted, but i digress. adam likes to watch dvds, but he only likes the dvd if he has the box and liner notes. he likes to clean up stuff, too. adam is also a fraternity man, and all of those general stereotypes and clichés apply perfectly.

bio of adam pompili
as told by Mike Howard

well the nice thing about adam is that without him, harbor wouldn't exist. he puts us together, writes our music and tells us where to be and when. oh yeah but the crappy thing is how he spends all of our money without telling us first. he has a lot of time on his hands which leads to him focusing much of his energy toward helping advance the band and cleaning his house.

i wish i had known adam in high school. i've have only seen pictures but i can tell he was that guy who wore lots of black clothes, chains, and bracelets, and probaly drew all over himself or at least on his backpack...or i could be totally wrong, but people who listen to industrial metal confuse me.

as for the current adam pompili that i know and love today, he is now a great friend and band mate who makes up for my apathy with his naïve enthusiasm, and once i get him turned off to canadian music, i think you and i will be much happier with the future of harbor’s music.

bio of adam pompili
as told by Logan West

adam is the man and the stuff he comes up with...amazing.