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bio of bryan hill
as told by Logan West

bryan hill...long blonde hair, goatee, and a girlfriend named ana. two dogs named blitz and shia. he plays the bass, and the stuff he comes up with, wow.

bio of bryan hill
as told by Mike Howard

lets face it, bryan is in the band because he's the only one of us who actually looks and smells as if he could actually be a rockstar. bass playing ability aside, bryan at least has a scary enough presence to fool the general public that we truly are hard. and i'm sorry but this dude even works at a video store, the all-time most common pre-rockstar employment. but his bass playing isn't bad either, although i find his choice of color for his bass disheartening. he makes up for his poor style sense (i.e. onstage attire) by owning all of harbor’s equipment. i will always respect and admire any bandmate who provides a drumset for me to rehearse on. some interesting facts you may care to know about bryan: his all-time favorite band is megadeath, he is a member of a nationally ranked trivia team, and he will beat me for making you believe, if even for 3 seconds, that his favorite band is megadeath. metallica rocks!!!

bio of bryan hill
as told by Adam Pompili

bryan is the most militant member in harbor, he's set in his ways and loud about it and that may scare people in public who don’t know him. bryan usually will remind us that he’ll beat our @$$ if he feels threatened when he’s losing a debate…which he generally loses all debates that he has with harbor, because he’s not smart. well, i should say some nice things about bryan before he hunts me down and drags my scrawny ass into the street and makes me his bitch, but there’s nothing about bryan that makes him nice…accept bryan and i have been writing music together for a number of years now and we’ve remained friends and band mates through the good and the bad…harbor aside, he’s a great friend to have on my side.