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Game Strategy

Game Strategy

RedMoon centers around the conflict between the protagonist of the story, Aguilas, and those who would stand against him. The original story has the major characters: Azlar, Philar, Destino, Sadad, Jarexx, Canon, Lunarena, Kitara, and Lavita pitted against Aguilas and follows their exploits on both Earth and Signus. Ultimately the resistance lead by these characters defeat him and free the people.

Now it is your turn to build upon the characteristics of the major characters to create your own persona and launch into adventures that will take you from Earth all the way to Signus. Maybe this time the story will end differently!

But what do you need to do to be successful?

Finish the Tutorial

Completing the tutorial is essential in not only learning the basics of the game but in getting your character to level 3 and gaining bonus points before entering the main game world. Listen to the NPC's and the monsters, they tell you important information about the game. When you get to the fourth section of the tutorial, you will be able to try fighting for the first time, don’t worry about death, as here you can’t die. Just practice fighting the monsters and using your skills.

Equip Yourself

When you finally leave the tutorial, after getting to level 3, you will start the main game from the Hospital. Exiting the hospital will lead you onto Street2 and the fun will begin. Around you, you may see other players, and some monsters you may or may not recognize. Stay away from the monsters for now. Before trying to fight, you need to get armor and weapons, so visit the local Weapons Shop (X:189 Y: 65,xy). In the Weapon Shop, be sure to look at your current level and attributes, for they, along with the character you chose, determine what kind of armor and weapons you can use. Check back at the Weapons Shop frequently, because you may be able to use new things as you increase in level.

Pick up all the food and gold off the ground you can carry but don’t bother to pick up water or MP boosting stuff as at the early stages as it’s a waste of space. If you run out of food try to avoid fighting until you can either find or buy some more. If you need to buy more food, visit the food shop (X:152 Y: 85).

Now that you are equipped with food, armor and weapons, it is time to go hunting...

Pick Your Fights Carefully

Until you reach level 5, go after gangsters only, as you won’t get the full experience points for killing hooligans until level 5, and avoid all other monsters for now. As you gain experience and level up, allocate your bonus points into the primary attributes you wish to develop.

Careful Attribute Point Allocation

As your character rises in level you gain 2 bonus points for each level (except at 100, 200, 300, etc. when you get 3) that can be allocated to each of the 4 primary attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Spirit, and Power. However, each character gains different attribute points for each bonus point as detailed in their character description:

Azlar,Canon, Destino, Jarexx, Kitara, Lavita, Lunarena, Philar or Sadad

You need to take this in to consideration when choosing and developing your character. But all is not lost if you find that you have taken a "wrong turn" with some of your bonus point allocation - some monsters will drop a Poison Pill that will allow you to reset your stats (and re-allocate your bonus points). Poison Pills are rare, so don’t reassign unless you know exactly how you are going to redistribute them. Otherwise, you might make things worse!

Bank Items and Money

Periodically while playing you may die, and after level 15, when you do, you will begin to lose items and experience. One way to preserve your excess items is to store them in a Bank. The Bank on Street 2 is located at: X:187 Y: 66.

Listen for Alarms Sounding

Entry into selected rooms in certain dungeons will trigger an audible alarm. Be careful, as when you can hear this alarm all positive skill effects that you may have in place are removed!

To PK or Not To PK?

That is the question? Make sure you understand the ramifications before embarking on a life as a PK'er...

Safety in Numbers

Although it is easy to start playing on your own, you will find it increasing difficult to survive by yourself. So forming a Group with other players should be a high priority... in a Group, you will share the experience for monster kills (even getting a 20% experience bonus), but note that higher level members will get more than lower level members. It's also often more fun in a Group!

Note that positive skills are restricted to members of a group when cast by a group member and that negative skills don't affect members of the group when cast by a group member.

** The chance of losing items when you die is reduced for members of a Group. ** Remember, the final confrontations between the resistance and Aguilas will be between Armies!

Special Items To Look For

PAS and Coffee Aside from food and drink, there are two other major items to stock up on when you can. The first is PAS, sold by the runaway girl. Using a PAS while you are under a hold spell releases you from hold. Spy2 and Spy3 both have hold spells that can last for a minute or longer, so having a PAS is vital if you don't want to just stand around for a minute taking hits. PAS cures Hold by Lavita and Cold Cell by Azlar, but the PAS will disappear after using it, so you will need more than one. PAS will also free you from a few other spell types, such as slow. The second, and much harder one to come by, is coffee. Coffee releases you from Sleep that is cast by high level monsters, or red Lavita NPC's or red Philar NPC's. Coffee can not be bought, so if you find some, get it and save it for when you absolutely need it. One final tip. It's always a good idea to help your fellow man, and in this case, your fellow players. If you run across a player who ran out of PAS or coffee and is in a tough spot, why not share a bit of yours. Who knows, some day you might be the guy surrounded by Spy3's and find out you left all your PAS’s in the bank.

Poison Pill

Will allow you to reset your attributes and re-allocate your bonus points.

Amnesia Green

Will lower your honor by 100.

Legendary Medicine

Also known as Power Pellets. These can be won by going to the Battle Dimension. Also, any level character can use this

After Level 1000

On reaching Level 1000 you will receive a letter from Kasham:

You will then become a Hero. The first of each character, gets a Gold Statue placed near the clock in Street1.

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