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About bloat 

    Is your dog at risk?

Take steps now to avoid heartache later

Bloat is a condition where the stomach swells up due to rapid accumulation of food, water and air in the stomach. This can cause the stomach to twist causing torsion or volvulus. It cuts off the blood supple to the stomach and other organs which can cause death.

It mostly occurs in large, deep chested breeds eg. German Shepherds, great Danes, Dobermanns, Rottweilers. It seems to have a trend of running in families, suggesting a genetic predisposition, according to Clarence A. Rawlings, DVM, Ph.D., American College of Veterinary Surgeons diplomate. Usually strikes older dogs of 7 years and upwards but large breeds of dogs can be effected at any age.

Gulping a large amounts of dry food, drinking copious amounts of water right after eating, drinking large amounts after exercise and exercising vigorously soon after meals.

What to watch out for:-

Distension. Retching without vomiting. Salivation and discomfort, and pacing. Dog becoming weak, lies prostrate on the floor and goes into shock. This can happen over a short period of time or over many hours.


If you suspect bloat get the dog checked immediately, if the stomach has not already rotated the vet can insert a tube into the stomach to relieve dilation. If twisting has already occurred then a large needle is struck through the side of the dog into the stomach which relieve the air. Fluid therapy is administered for control shock.

Abdominal surgery is then required to remove any dead parts of the stomach. A tack down maybe required to help prevent recurrence as approximately 80% will suffer a recurrence and die within a year. Less than 5% if tacked bloat again.

What can you do to help prevent bloat:-

* Reduce the speed in which your dog eats - drop small amounts into a bowl at one time or spread the food around a large surface.

* Feed smaller meals over several times per day.

* Wait an hour after a walk before giving small amounts of water over 30 minutes.

* After meals, wait one hour before feeding your dog.

Any siblings, half siblings etc known to have a record of bloat is is good t know that the laparoscopic-assisted gastropexy technique can be life saving.

Hope this may help you in anyway.


Garden plants and effects 


In our animals roam out in the garden playing and exploring. This is alot of fun for all but can also be dangerous. Some some basic shrubs and plants can be deadly. Here is a list for you to look at and have a think of WHAT'S IN YOUR GARDEN.

Azalea Entire plant Muscle paralysis. Central nervous system malfunction. may be fatal.
Asparagus Fern Entire plant Contains a wide variety of poisons in a bewildering range of symptoms.
Baneberry                   Actaea rubra /Actaea Alba Roots, sap and berries Irritation of stomach and intestines. Dizziness. Heart rate increased. May be fatal.
Bird of Paradise       Solanum gillisi Seeds, pods Vomiting, diarrhoea and nausea
Bittersweet                   Solanum oulcamara Leaves and fruit Nausea, dizziness and convulsions.
Black Locust                 Robina pseudoacacia Bark, sprouts and foliage Depression, vomiting and weakened heart beat. May be fatal.
Calla Lilly            Dieffenbachia spp Entire plant Intense burning sensation in mouth, oesophagus and stomach.
Castorm Bean           Ricinous communis Entire plant   Burning sensation in mouth. Stupor. Convulsions.
Christmas Rose    Helleborous niger Leaves and roots from \juice. Violent. Vomiting, skin inflamation, convulsions.
Daffodil                   Narcissus spp Bulb Diarrhoea, vomiting convulsions and death.
Daphane                  Daphane mezerum Entire plant Burning and ulceration of stomach, intestines and diarrhoea.
Dumb Cane (Diffenbachia)  Diffenbachia spp Entire plant Irritation of mouth, profuse salvation. Swelling tongue. may result in suffocation.
English Ivy                  Hedera helix Leaves and berries General excitement and difficulties in breathing. Coma
Holly Berries Vomiting, diarrhoea and weakness.
Iris                                           Iris spp Leaves and roots Severe digestive upsets
Jerusalem Cherry         Solanum pesudoapsicum Berries most dangerous Diarrhoea, vomiting , collapse and coma.
Larkspur               Delphinium ajacis Leaves and seeds Excitation. depression and staggering. Tetany
Lantana                        Lantana eamara Berries Gastrointestinal irritation. Muscular weakness and circulatory difficulties. may be fatal.
Mistletoe       Phorandentron flavescens White berries Vomiting, diarrhoea and convulsions.
Lilly of the Valley   Convallaria majaalis Roots, leaves and fruit Dizziness and vomiting
Monks Hood           Aconitum napellus Roots and seeds Tingling, numbness. vision impairment. Respiratory failure.
Oleander                      Nerium oleander Entire plant Nausea, depression, bloody diarrhoea. Paralysis 
Paspalum Seeds Sticky materials from seeds can cause dermatitis.
Philodendron Entire plant Severe irritation of mouth, swelling tongue, death from suffocation. Accumulation posion.
Poinsettia            Euphoborbia pulcherrima Leaves and stem Diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, delerium. Sap in eyes can cause blindness.
Poison Oak Leaves Mucus membrane and skin irritation
Poison Ivy                      Rhus toxicondendron radicans Leaves Mucus membrane and skin irritation
Pokeweed              Phytolacca americana Entire plant Nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, inpaired vision. Narcosis, death.
Privet                         Liquistrum vulgara Entire plant Bloody vomiting. diarrhoea. Severe irritation of gastro-intestional tract.
Ranunclas or Buttercup Entire plant Stomach irritations, diarrhoea, convulions.
Rhubarb                            Rheun rhaponticum Leaves Vomiting. severe cramp, convulsion, coma, death
Snow-on-the-mountain Euphorbia marginata Sap Powerful irritations, blisters on skin.
Virginia Creeper Partenocissus Leaves and berries Vomiting and diarrhoea
Wandering Dew Entire plant Severe dermatitis.
Wisteria                        Wisteria spp Entire plant Severe abdominal pain. Vomiting and diarrhoea.
Yellow Jessamine Entire plant Dilation of pupils, reddened skin, headaches, elevated blood pressure, rapid pulse, delerlum, come


Apricots Kerenal contain cyanide. Children have died from eating too many kernals.
Onions Causes anaemia. Onions should not be fed to dogs in any form.
Peaches Both the stone and leaf contain cyanide.
Chocolate Vomiting, diarrhoea, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, muscle tremors, seizures and coma.
Nutmeg Hallucinogen.